family pic

family pic

Thursday, December 13, 2012

The month of Thanks.....

Crockett Adventures-    This month my hubby and I got to go to the Boise Temple re-dedication.  It was the first one we have ever been to and the spirit was so overwhelming, its impossible to explain!  It really put into perspective what I need to be working on to become more like Christ! We also made a couple of visits to the hospital with my Parker Gene!  We got to see my older sister, Britt, and her kids for Britt's birthday and Thanksgiving!  I've missed them so much!  We haven't seen them since the beginning of this summer.  We had a lot of fun with them, even if it was only for two days.  They are growing so fast.  We were planning on going to Pocatello for Thanksgiving week, but poor Parker ended up sick so we stayed home with my family.  I was really bummed too, because I was really looking forward to shopping on black Friday with my best friend Tiffany, going to see the last/final Twilight movie with my sister Allison (which I still haven't seen) and of course seeing family.  We also celebrated my wonderful hubby's birthday.  Thank heavens for my sister, Desi, who helped me make dinner and cake for my hubby, since my kids were not in the greatest mood.  I'm so lucky to have him.  We also went to shopping on black Friday.  My mom watched the boys at home, while my hubby, my sisters (Desi and Keshia), and I went shopping Thursday night.  I did not like the fact that their starting Black Friday so early.  Its called Black Friday for a reason.  It was nice we were able to get half our Christmas shopping done, mainly all the boys and nephews gifts.  My mom's dog also had puppies for Thanksgiving and my kids wont leave them alone!  I've been busy making Christmas presents all month too!  We've been very blessed in our lives and with our little family!  I love all my family and extended family too!


Adventures-  Well he hasn't had much going on this month.  He loved every minute with his cousins while they were done.  He followed Ty around everywhere.  When he woke up he would ask right away "where's Ty?"  He's become obsessed with the female puppy.  He even named her Baby Po (from Kung Fu Panda).  His most recent movie he watches all the time is "Kung Fu Panda".  He seemed to be more on the grouchy side and very whinny.  He is on and off about being nice with Parker.  He is nice at first, but if Parker doesn't respond nice back then he is mean and pushes him.  We have definitely been working on that, but I guess that's a 2yr old for ya.    He is very thoughtful tho and loves giving hugs.  He is a lot better about being nice to the dogs too, which he never means to.  He just didn't know how to be gentle when trying to hold or play with them.  He has become more dramatic in acting things out, which makes me think he'll be in the drama club lol!
Growth-  He is the same with all his learning stuff.  He's talking more clear everyday.  He is getting better at say everyone's name correctly. He is 37 in and 28 1/2 lbs.  He just got two of his 2yr molers in too, which explains why for almost a week he wouldn't eat anything.


Adventures- He as had not such a good month.  First he pushed over a big ceramic mold (about 50+ lbs) on his foot.  It was so bad he couldn't walk on it, so we took him to the hospital.  They took an x-ray and it wasn't broken, but bruised to the bone. It took a week before he could walk on it normal without limping or anything.  Then he was sick on Thanksgiving :( and we took him to the doc.  It was a virus that would of turned into strep throat.    He did have tons of fun with his all his aunts and cousins visiting.  He mainly wanted his Aunt Britt or Trelynn, mainly because they would always hold him 24/7!  He still likes to snuggle and be held all the time.  We now have seven shows he will sit and watch; "Megamind", "Cars", "Despicable Me", "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse", "A,B,C's", "Finding Nemo", and "Kung Fu Panda"!  Before all we could get him to watch was  "Megamind", "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse",and "A,B,C's"!  He now has a routine every morning.  The first thing he does in watch a movie for an hour, while I fix breakfast and such.  I think he does it to help himself wake up more and not be so grouchy.  I personally don't think its a good thing, but its awful all day if he doesn't have the one hour of TV in the morning.  He has a temper tho.  If Brayden gets in his space without his permission he gets mad at Brayden.  That's when Brayden is mean back to Parker.  He throws big fits tho, but I've learned just to ignore him and they don't last as long.  He's a hitter tho and does it all the time, but no matter how many times I put him in time out or bed, he still does it!  He is a total opposite of Brayden.  He gets into everything on purpose just to make a mess and doesn't listen at all!  He's really good about going to sleep on his own and in his own bed, unless he is sick and then he has to have mommy lay with him.

Growth-  He still takes a bottle for naps and bed time, but every once in a blue moon he'll fall asleep without one.   He is talking a lot more and saying a lot more words now.  He is learning so fast.  There are too many words to put them all on here.  He is 33 in and 22 lbs.  He still only has 6 teeth too.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

...All Oooooctober's eve!!!!

Crockett's Adventures!!

Joshua and I-  This month has been totally opposite of last month, it's been very busy!  Josh has decided to be more pesty ( I guess you can call it)!  He has been constantly starting water, soapy or tickling fights!!  I know I was the one that always started them when we were first together, but he didn't like the messy fights (water,food,and etc) very much so I stopped starting them!! It's been a while since we've had any of those fights!  I think deep down inside he did like them and that's why he's starting them!!  Josh worked from the 1st of the month straight till the 10th of the month, so he could have all the time he wanted off for vacation and hunting!  He saved up his vacation time too!  We left Oct 11th and headed for Pocatello where we stayed for the rest of the month!!  I know its not far from where we live, but we got to spend it with his family and we don't get to see them very much.  We got to go the the Black and Blue bowl (highland vs Pocatello football), which is a big event for the schools!  I love going to the games in Pocatello, because besides being able to watch some football I also get to have their yummy ice cream!!  I love the ISU dome's ice cream!! We celebrated Allison's birthday a little early, so everyone could be there before they headed up hunting and  see grandpa and grandma Burrell before they head down to AZ for the winter.  We weren't able to stay that long, because we were heading up to stay with my friend (Tristian) for a few days in Idaho Falls.  Josh only stayed one night because the next day he was heading off hunting.  The boys and I stayed with Tristian for four days!  I was nice to be able to hang out her for that long, because I missed her so much and don't get to see her hardly at all!!!  We went to the singles ward with her on Sunday and it was different lol!  The boys were actually really good, maybe the fact that they had sacrament first and early in the morning, that my boys were to tired still to be rowdy!  The ward was great about it too.  All the ladies stole my kids in each meeting, so I had no kids to look after!  We got back to Pocatello on the 16th of Oct and we stayed at grandma and grandpa Crockett's house the rest of the time.  Josh and his dad got back from hunting on the 23rd.  I was so happy because I was missing my hubby very much.  That was the longest time we've been apart.  Josh got a Buck 4x4, and an Bull Elk 4x5 and his dad got a spike Buck lol.  They had fun tho, they were hunting with his cousin and friend/ co-worker Wells.  A couple of my friends, sister (Keshia) and I had a girls day out, while my hubby watched the kids.  We went to Olive Garden then to the Blackfoot Corn Maze!  It was so much fun, I loved it and wish we could do it more often!  We were able to have two family nights of fun and dinner with all of Josh's family.  It was nice being able to see each other that much.  Also us girls ( mom, Allison, Chelsie, Nicholeya and me) had a girls pamper night, while the boys were hunting!  We watched Sunday night football, gave ourselves manicures, painted our nails, facials, and ate a bunch of goodies!  It was the first time we've done anything like that all together and it was a blast. We also had a friends night out!  We went over to my friend Ginger's house and hung out/played games with friends.  We went with Chelsie and Practor trick or treating down in old town Pocatello and the mall for Halloween.  We visited Allison for a bit and later all of us met up at Mom and dad's house to take a Halloween pics of all the kids.  It was nice to celebrate Halloween with his family finally and who knows if we will be able to do that again anytime soon.  Halloween night we went over to my friend Tiffany's house to watch scary movies with friend, while grandpa and grandma watched the kids sleep.  All the other days we just hung out with Julie and Gene relaxing and having a great time.   My boys and I would go for walks to the park some afternoons when it was warm too!  I would let Brayden rid his bike and Parker walk while holding my hand all the way there. We left for home on Nov 1st, it was weird leaving because it almost seemed like we've moved back to Pocatello.


Adventures-  He loved being in Pocatello.  He got to play with his cousin Jackson more then ever and he loved having some else to play with.  He even was wrestling with Jackson, which after a while Jackson wanted to stop lol.  Brayden can over do it sometimes, which explains why Parker doesn't like it either lol.  Every time cousin Practor was around Brayden would give him toys to play with and sit by him on the floor when watching a show.  When he saw Remington, he would go oh a baby and would just look/ watch him!  He loved playing with grandpa and grandma's dogs too!  He was always following and calling for them.  He still does even tho were home now. He loved playing with grandpa and grandma too.  He got to go to the Black and Blue bowl with mommy, daddy, grandpa, and aunt Allison.  He loves football!  He was so funny! He yelled loud and more then anyone there!  Always yelling "Go football", "get them", "go go", he even would boo too and Aunt Allison taught him to yell "defense"!  His eyes were wide open, arms in the air and watching the game the whole time!  He didn't want to play around just watch the game and eat some good food.  He was woody for Halloween and loved his costume.  When we first tired to put it on him, he screamed the entire time and tried pulling it off.  Then we put in Toy Story to watch after that he loved his costume!  He even would leave the hat on and say "Heehaw"!  When we went on walks to the park, Brayden was really good about staying by mom while riding his bike.  If he would get to far a head he would stop till we caught up and he never would try to go in the road.

Achievements-  He is about the same with his learning.  He is talking even better.  He potting training seem to be doing good some days and some days not so good.  There are some days he just wont go in the potty for me.  He has learned how to say everyone names now.  He didn't before because he didn't see his Crockett family enough for the name to stick before we would leave for home.  He calls Parker, Gene most of the time.  Every once in a while He'll call him Parker Gene, but never just Parker

Growth/Habits-   He is 28lbs and 36 1/2in tall!!!  He still is a picky eater and doesn't eat hardly any meat at all! He is becoming more of a vegetarian everyday and eats pretty healthy.  When we went to Pizza Pie Cafe, he didn't want any pizza just mom's salad!  If you tried to hid a piece of meat in with his food, he could still tell and spit it out.  He's getting better at sharing too.  


Adventures-   He loved playing with the grandpa Crockett a lot.  Every morning once he woke up he would want grandpa to hold and snuggle all day!  He liked playing with the dogs too, actually its more like act like the dogs.  He would get on his hands and knees and lick up the water out of the dog dish.  We ended up having to keep the water and dog food back in the back room to keep him out of it.  He was into everything, but that's my Parker.  The more you told him no the more he did it.  Grandma ended up duck taping every cupboard and more things to keep him out of things lol!!  He like playing with Practor when he came over, but also like stealing his toys and pacifier!   He like playing with Jackson and Brayden.  He would chase after them trying to keep up with them just like most little brothers do.  He kept trying to play with baby Remington but wasn't able to of course lol!  He was really good about holding mommy's hand every time we went on walks to the Park, which was really surprising to me.  He was Buzz for Halloween.  I was surprised he didn't try to take off the hat part of his costume, but he didn't try at all.  He actually liked his costume and wanted to wear it all the time.  Brayden called him Buzz all day and not Parker Gene!  He was a little pill while trick or treating.  He kept wanting to walk by himself, but wouldn't hand on to anyone's hand.  We carried him most of the time, but when he got too wiggly we would put him down.  We would try to hang on to his hand, but every time we would he would go limb and not walk until we let go.  Then he would get up fast and try to run away.

Achievements-  He is starting to say some more words now.  He says baba, dada, mama, football, drink,and eat.  He climbs everything and can go down the stairs correctly on his belly, so he doesn't fall.  When he is poopy, he'll come to me, plug his nose and say stinky!

Growth/Habits-  He is 32in tall and 21lbs.  He likes to get into everything and be held all the time.  He is worse then his brother. He is scared of mask.  He eats all meats and mainly meats!  

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Falling into September


   This month has been on the tame side, not too much happening!  At the beginning of the month we had the biggest storm of the year, so far!  It was so bad there were severe tornado warnings and it was scary.  It shook the house so bad, had hail, winds, and bad of everything.  I actually got scared that a tornado would touch down!  We also took my sister (Keshia) to Rexburg to start her second year of college.  It was fun, but I don't think the boys liked being in the car for that long, thank heavens for portable TVs.  We were sad to say good bye to Keshia, but we knew we would see her again.   We celebrated my mom's 52nd birthday!  My hubby and I started a fantasy football team together, its something just to be able to do something as a couple!  My Aguilar family started a fantasy football league and they have a trophy for the winner too!   We also decided to start doing the Insanity workout together too.  We both want to get back into shape.  We also decided to let Josh go back to school.  He wants to become a fish and game officer, so he needs to go and get his biology degree.  Its actually really good this way we can us the extra school grant money to pay off our debt too!  Desi, my sister, is living with us now and she has me watching "Ghost Adventures"!  Holy crap, those things freak me out and I have a hard time going to sleep right afterwards.  One night I scared myself when I moved under the blanket, out of the corner of my eye saw part of the blanket go up and thought the blanket was a ghost!!!!  My hubby has been a bit silly too.  We are starting to playing around and having fun, just like we use to when we were dating.  For example, we have water fights, chasing and running around having fun just like little kids lol.  Its good we're getting back to being a fun couple and it makes a difference too.  We celebrated my brother's, Matthew, 13th birthday.  My sisters and I went to our friend, Tiffany Page, baby shower too.  Other than that we've been just hanging out at home watching new release movies and having fun.

ADVENTURES-  He is just a funny kid.  When we go grocery shopping at "Smiths", he has to always grab a baby shopping cart (that is his exact height).  He's really good about it too.  He stays right with me and doesn't run into things.  When we're all done, he puts the cart right back and comes helps me push the big cart out to the car.  He doesn't even throw a fit when he has to put it up.  We stopped at the McDonald's up in Rexburg to eat.  He loved being able to play on the toys inside for the first time!  He would climb all the way up, but wouldn't go down the slides to get down.  He would yell down "help", but none of us could get up there.  This little girl, about 8yrs, finally put him on her lap and went down the slid with him.  I don't know why he wont go down slides anymore, because he would all the time when he was littler.  At every one's birthday parties he likes to blow out the candles for them.  He likes church a lot.  He knows that every week we have church, so when we go to leave he always ask "we go to church?"  When I cant get him to behave, all I have to do is say "OK no church", and then he says no and behaves!  He likes to boss Parker around, especially if Parker is getting into something when he's not suppose to be.  Its good in a way, it helps me out so I know when he is into something.  I hear every time " NO, don't" "NO No's" lol!
GROWTH-  He is 28lbs and 36 in.  When he went in for his check up his iron was low, which is probably, because he doesn't like to eat much meat.  So I have to get supplements to get it up!
ACHIEVEMENTS-  He knows all the A,B,C's and can count 1-10, but still working on recognizing the numbers.  He still is working on his shapes and colors.  He knows the colors red, black, pink, purple, blue, green and yellow. He knows the shape circle. He knows how to read the word eyes now along with all the other words.  He is able to sing, by memory, more songs and some even from the radio.
ADVENTURES-  Parker has become my destroyer!  He is a lot more to handle then his older brother was at his age.  He thinks when he gets in trouble its funny, so I do not know how I'm going to handle this kid as he gets older.   He doesn't like to listen at all and when you say "don't", he makes more of an effort to do it.  He is my cuddle buddy tho, when dad cant be.  He loves to be held all the time.  If I could he would want me to hold him all day long.  He loves to play with mommy and daddy.  He doesn't care too much for older brother sometimes, because brother can get carried away and be a little rough when horse playing around!  He likes watching the A,B, C's video, just like Brayden, and gets so excited when a new letter comes up each time.  He doesn't watch TV too much, but will watch a very few shows.  He likes all his aunts to hold him and cuddle, he's lady's man! I finally buzzed his hair and he doesn't look like a baby anymore!  He likes to ride bikes and is always trying to escape outside.  He still is a early to bed and early to rise baby.  He takes one 2-3 hour naps, which is good because now both boys will take naps at the same time and give me some hours of peace lol.  He still loves to cuddle with stuff animals and real animals too. He loves to give kisses!  He mainly will only eat meat, but he will eat some bread and fruits.  He wont even eat mash potatoes and gravy without having a bit a meat with it.  He will mainly only drink milk too.  I try to give him juices and water.  He will drink a little, but later whines until he gets his milk.
GROWTH-  He is 30 1/2 in tall and 20lbs.  He still hasn't gotten any more teeth in yet.
ACHIEVEMENTS-  He folds his arms all on his own when saying prayer.  He is starting to say ball, bye bye, and poop lol.  He is getting pretty good with a spoon and fork while feeding himself.  He actually is getting to the point that he will only eat if he feeds himself, but he still loves making a mess all over the floor instead of of eating it.  He still likes to drink out of bottle, but at the same time will drink out of a sippy cup.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

August Rush!!

CROCKETT'S ADVENTURES- Starting at the beginning of the month, we drove to Boise to see My sister Brittney and her kids, Tyler, Trelynn, and Andrew.  While we were there we also go to visit cousins, Maria, Dan, Penny, Laura (and her baby boy), Juanita (and her kids), Aliesha (and her kids), Aunt Elva and my friend Sueanna with her hubby.  It was fun, we got to go to Chuckarama, play games, and go out on a picnic.  We got to go over to cousins Maria, Dan and Penny for dinner one day and play too.  We just wish we had more time to do more thing with everyone.  We went to Burley's fair (its a must thing), ate delicious food and looked at all the animals.  We watched the parade and it was Josh's first parade in Burley, because he's always had to work. This month we celebrated Parker's first Birthday!  I could not think of a theme to do, because he likes everything and there is nothing he likes the most!  Brayden loved Mickey Mouse so his was easy to choose!  I ended up doing a teddy bear theme!  We had to blow our own balloons up because the whole town was out of helium.  We also had a Party for him down in Pocatello.  The whole town of Pocatello was out of helium too, we came to find out its a nation shortage of helium!  We all got to meet the new addition to the Crockett family, Remington.   We also found out that Aunt Allison is Pregnant with her first baby, so EXCITING!  We also went and saw a Pocatello high school football game at the ISU dome. 


ADVENTURES- In Boise, Brayden got to play with his cousins.  He loved hanging out with Tyler.  He got to play with cousin Penny and he loved it.  He didn't want to leave. We had to drag him out lol!  It was so funny watching them play together, they got along great!  He loved the Burley parade, but 3/4 of the way through it got bored.  At the fair he loved seeing all the animals.  His favorite was the sheep.  It was so funny whenever he wanted an animal to come to him.  He would squat, make a clicking noise and clap his hands lol!  He got to feed the goats too!  Brayden had to go to a dermatologist because he was has these patches of rashes on his face and legs.  He's had them all summer and we've tried everything to get them to go away.  He has to put on a steroid cream and special moisturizer.  His skin "barrier", that protects our skin from thing in the atmosphere and such, and is deteriorating.  this is suppose to help restore it.  At Parker's birthday party in Pocatello, Brayden got to play with his cousins Andrew and Jackson.  He had a lot of fun.  He doesn't get to play with kids is own age hardly because there is none his age around where we live in the country area.

HABITS-  He has started to be a very over seeing big brother.  Whenever Parker gets into the bathroom. Brayden will slowly get Parker out of the room, tell him don't, and shut the door!  When Parker gets into the food cupboards.  Brayden will pull him out enough to shut the cupboard doors and say "don't".  Then once Parker starts to leave Brayden will pick up everything on the floor and put it back in the cupboards.  Lets just say Parker doesn't like it one bit lol!  It hard sometimes, because Brayden sees mommy pulling Parker away from getting into things and does the same thing, but Brayden doesn't understand how to pull Parker away without pulling him down.  Brayden still takes 2-3 hour naps and is good about going to bed.  We've always had a hard time getting him to bed, because he would just throw fits and cry, even once he was in bed.  He usually cried himself to sleep, unless he was super tired then he would go to bed on his own.  He's really growing up fast.  He chases the dogs around on his bike, but we're trying to get him to stop.  I don't know why he thinks its funny.  He likes to go around spraying everything with the spray bottle of water, so it looks like we all have peed our pants.  He likes spraying us all in the butt!  When I can't get him to eat all I have to say is " I'm going to feed it to Parker" and he comes running over saying "don't" and eats!  He's getting better at sharing but still have some improvements and better with playing with Parker.  When  he's in trouble and we tell him to go to the corner, sometimes he will actually go there and stand all by himself!  Other then that he hardly throws any fits when in the corner and peacefully does his time unlike in the past!  He likes running around just his diaper.  He likes to act like a dog.  He will drink out of the bowl on the floor when the dogs do.  He crawls along the side of them.  When they lick things so does he and worse of them all, when they sniff each others butt so does he!  I don't know what to do with this kid.  He can be so weird.  In nursery his the clown of the bunch.  The other teachers just laugh at him all the time because he is very dramatic!

ACHIEVEMENTS-  He can sing and act out dances at the same time.  He actually knows the words to the songs too!  He counts using his figures up to three. He's been able to read a coupe of words and know what they say and mean like, smiling, hippopotamus, eyes, hi, kick, shoulders, and head.  He knows the color green now.  He knows the letters A-J, K, O, P, T, and U. He recognizes the numbers 2, 3, 5 and 8.  He can almost count to 10 but not yet. He peed in the potty for the first time, but only once.  He's getting to know what pee pee and pooh exactly is but doesn't care about going in the potty.  He is getting a lot better at saying words more clear.  He says "please" now, before when we tell him to say please he would get all mad, but now he is really good at saying it!  I think he's doing pretty good for being less then a month from being 2 1/2 years old!

GROWTH-  He weights 28lbs and is 35 1/4 in tall. Still has the same beach boy tan, hair and eyes!  He still has that rash thing on his face but not as much.  It now seems to come and go.  As long as I keep the medicine on it stays away.

LIKES-  He still likes everything like before.  He's starting to like eating hamburgers now as long as it has cheese lol.  He loves home made re fried beans with tortilla.  He loves tortillas! He's starting to be a less pickier eater.  He still has his moments when he doesn't feel like eating. When he actually watches TV he mainly will just watch learning shows that teach letters and reading words!

DISLIKES- He's starting to not like watching TV as much.  He would rather read than anything. He doesn't like all the flies.  He always say "get away"!  He doesn't like eating the peeling on grapes. He always spits the peeling out. 


ADVENTURES-  He went to the fair and got to see lots of animals. When we got to the pigs, one pig was sticking his head out and letting them pet him.  Then he snorted and it scare Parker to death and he wouldn't go near it again.  After that he wouldn't pet any more animals until we got to the sheep! He actually fed one sheep.  This month Parker turned the BIG 1 year old!  He didn't  blow out his candle just looked at us like "uh what do you want me to do now", but his big brother was there to help him out.  He did great at eating his cake.  He didn't want to use his hands.  He picked at it a little with his fingers and then went at it with his mouth only!  His cake was red and when he got done he looked like a clown! He got two birthday parties one in Burley and one in Pocatello.  He loved hanging out with his cousin Practor, who is 6 months old, and tried to play with him.  He would even bring toys over to Practor to play.  When he saw his new cousin Remington, he just wanted to play with his feet non stop.  He liked the little babies.  He also tried to run around with the other kids and Brayden.
HABITS- He is getting better at not throwing fits and hitting Brayden.  He's able to keep up with Brayden more and play along better!  He gets out of the tub by himself when he's done taking a bath, which isn't very long.  He is starting to like reading more with Brayden.  He doesn't get into the cupboards as much, probably thanks to Brayden lol!   He is so funny and likes to cuddle a lot especially with pillows and teddy bears.  He loves to give hugs.  When he starts kissing he doesn't stop for a while lol.  He is wanting to be outside all the time.  He likes chasing the dogs around the house.  He loves Aunt Mickela and Daddy to hold him all the time.  When you try to put him down, he always lifts up his legs so you cant.  He likes just being involved in every ones business.  He still takes a bottle to sleep and I'm not sure when we'll get him to break the habit.  He just doesn't sleep through the night without one.  He likes to copy brother.  When Brayden sits on the potty and gets done, then Parker wants a turn too lol.  In the mornings He always wakes up before Brayden.  He'll get down, go over to Braydens bed, climb up in it, and try to wake big brother up.  Then he climbs down and waits for Brayden to follow him out to the toys.  Brayden being a great big brother will zombie like follow him out there.  Sometimes in the morning both boys will lay in bed talking and laughing at each other.

ACHIEVEMENTS-  He is starting to try and say words like that, cat, baba, and drink.  He points a lot at things.  He does patty cake, but hasn't gotten down the rolling part.  He is starting to like reading more with Brayden.  He can growl and make cow noises.  He will hold up his arms and growl like a tough guy.  He knows where his eyes and nose are at.  He waves hi and bye, claps along with songs, dances a lot more, and is starting to color.

GROWTH- He is 30 1/2 in tall and weights 19 lbs.  He still doesn't weigh much but he'll get there eventually. He has 6 teeth now.  The four front tops teeth and the two front top teeth, but I can see that he's starting to get some more in sometime soon.  He still has his strawberry blond hair and his eyes have gotten more green now!

LIKES-   He likes all stuffed animals, cars/ trucks, and books.  He likes to be kept busy. He's starting to like the cold more than heat.  He likes to run around in his diaper or naked

DISLIKES- He doesn't liked to be told no, go figure lol.  He doesn't like to stay in one spot for too long. He doesn't care to much for cheesy foods anymore, which is weird for a kid.  He doesn't like getting dressed or his diaper on.  He hates being poopy and once he does poo he comes directly to some one to change him.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Exploding into July 2012

Crockett Adventures-  This month, of course, we celebrated Independence day.  Josh had to work till 7pm, like always, so he was unable to attend the parade with us.  That nigh we went over to our cousins Justin and Hailey Mangum's house for a BBQ and fireworks.  We were able to see Aunt Susie, uncle Darin, Victor, and Allen ( who live in Washington). They had brought big awesome (maybe illegal lol) fireworks with them to show us.  Josh has been working a lot this month.  Yes, it is nice having the extra money to travel and have extra thing, but its hard at the same time.  His work has been short on officers and him being one of their best/favorites get called in a lot.  They seem to have him on call all the time, but the next two months he shouldn't be as much. I on the other hand seemed to have ripped tenants and ligaments in my ankle, which caused me to have to wear a boot brace for 6 weeks so far.  I hope it will be healed in the end,so I do not have to have surgery.  Josh and I have been able to go on two dates, which has been nice since we've not had a lot of time together.  I'm grateful to have my wonderful sisters, Desi and Keshia, who's been willing to take care of my boys when I need it.  They've helped a lot since I hurt my ankle.  We were able to go to spend a weekend with my dad ( grandpa Aguilar) and Flo (step mother) to celebrate Desi and grandpa's birthdays with the Aguilar family.  We were able to go to Pocatello, finally, to visit the Crockett family.  Thanks to my hubby's hard work, we were able to stay in a hotel the whole time.  That way we could kinda say "we had a vacation" lol!  Josh had to have is tooth pulled out, because it had totally broke off only leaving he rooks.  We also made a swimming pool in the back of our truck using a tarp lol.   Its really nice being able to do that , because its like swimming in a river, lake, or canal only smaller and cleaner lol.  That's how I always went swimming as a kid.  I like it better then pools, plus its free.  The kids are able to swim with us , which is safer in a way too.


ADVENTURES-  Brayden went to the Independence Parade in Rupert.  Afterwards he went to square park to eat parade stand foods.  While we were there he met a little Mexican boy, who was about his age.  The little boy started speaking Spanish to him and Brayden was talking back.  They went back and forth like they understood each other.  Before we let he got to ride a Mobile trolley.  It went super fast, which kinda scared him but not enough to make him cry.  He's got to go swimming a few times.  It is very difficult to get him out of any pool.  He went spotting with grandpa Crockett, daddy, and godfather Aaron for a whole day.  At a church event, Brayden was playing with all the kids and a kid smashed Brayden's thumb in the church doors.  It turned black and eventually the nail totally fell off.

ACHIEVEMENTSHe's becoming better at pronouncing words and saying more words.  He is good about sitting on the potty, but still wont go potty in it.  He is obsessed with reading and will actually say words on the page.  He knows the colors blue, purple, and black.  He know the letters A, D, E, I and P.  He can sign "I love you" with his hands!  He knows most of his body parts!  He likes to say the prayer and tries to do it by himself.  He knows what and how to say Hippopotamus and Platypus.

HABITSHe is either playing with his toy trucks, reading books, riding his bike, outside in daddy's truck, or playing in the water.  He prefers cold more then hot.  He tries playing around with Parker, but gets a little rough sometimes.  He's a very picky eater.  If the food looks gross he wont eat it. He doesn't care to eat meat very much. If he wants a drink, he will spit out the food in his mouth and take a drink instead of just swallowing it.  He has a specific pillow and blanket he takes everywhere all day long with him.  He loves to sing and dance.  He has high pitch scream he does when things aren't going his way.  He likes to say "spank your butt" or " check your butt" a lot.  He's always running all over and tackling everyone.  He likes to act out pretend gun fights or fist fights.  He will even play dead lol!

PHYSIAL GROWTH-  Brayden is 2yrs old, He weights 27lbs and is 35in tall.  He has a beach boy tan, dirty blond hair, and hazel eyes (brown, yellow, gray, and green) with big long eyelashes.  He's my skinny mini and is going to be a heart breaker!

LIKES-   Favorite foods are mac and cheese, all fruits, white cheddar shells, and anything with cheese.   Favorite toys are all truck/automotive, books, soft pillows, and blankets, bikes and anything that plays music.  Favorite shows are Phineas and Ferb, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, old western shows, all dancing and music TV shows. Favorite movies are Megamind, and Cars.  Favorite color is red and blue.  He loves everything outdoors. He loves playing in dad's truck.  He likes his car seat, taking baths/ showers and brushing his teeth. 

DISLIKES- Brayden is a very picky eater.  If the food looks gross he says its "yuck"!  Sometimes if we can sneak in a bit without him paying attention he'll eat it.  He doesn't like a lot of meats. He doesn't like anyone playing with his trucks.  He doesn't like having to go to bed when people are over.  He doesn't like changing his diaper. 


ADVENTURES-  He got to go to the Independence day parade as well and ride the town mobile trolley too!  He like the trolley a lot and didn't want to get off.   When we started watching fireworks, they scared him really bad.  We had to make sure he couldn't hear them what so ever, so we had to put plugs in his ears and sit in the truck.  As long as he couldn't hear them, he loved watching them through the window!  He got to stay at Grandpa and Grandma Aguilar's house, which he is still afraid of grandpa and cries every time.  When we went to Pocatello he got to go swimming and like before didn't like it too much, but after a few times going swimming started to warm up to it and splashing around.  There was two people he wanted to hold him all the time, Aunt Allison and Grandpa Burrell!

ACHIEVEMENTS- He started to walk all by himself with no help from anyone and with falling down very little.  He climbs up on top of everything, even more than his older brother.  He tries to walk up the stairs instead of crawling.  He can get off the couch all by himself without falling and hurting himself.  He likes to read books and points at everything.  He can wave come here with his hands and blows kisses!  He's getting good at handing you thing when asked to and doesn't cry.  He loves to colors on paper.  He started to dance to music too.

PHYSICAL GROWTH- Parker was 10 months, but turned 11months at the end of the month. He is 30 in tall and weighs 18lbs 10oz. He had 3 teeth come in.  His first tooth was the eye left top eye tooth, then came in the right top eye tooth and last was the bottom left front tooth.  At first with the first two teeth there he looked like a vampire.  He has blond hair, blue green eyes with long eyelashes and is really fair skinned, doesn't tan at all lol! 

HABITS-  He likes to chase his older brother, Brayden, and laughs all the time.  He still takes a bottle for naps and to go to bed, but every once in a while he will fall asleep without it.  He eats anything and everything.  If Brayden doesn't like what I fix I know I can give it to Parker because he eats a lot and everything.  I know bad right but this way food doesn't get wasted right lol!  He loves to be held a lot still.  He has a bad temp tho,  if anyone makes him mad he flips out.  He doesn't put up with his older brother, sometimes he tries to attack Brayden.  Brayden is still much bigger so Parker really cant do any damage thank heavens.  I'm trying really hard to stop that habit.  He like to take baths but not for very long.  He is always getting into all the food cupboards and emptying them.  He doesn't like it when big brother tries to get him out of them and put up his mess lol!  He still is a shy baby and wont interact with strangers only stares, but he's gotten better.  Before if strangers talk to him he would cry but he doesn't do that anymore.  I think nursery has helped him a lot in the area.  He's good at taking medicine and likes to brush his teeth.  He likes to crawl up in bed with everyone and play on beds.  He does it a lot with grandma Gladys, mainly because she has a mirror and stuffed animals on her headboard.

LIKES- His favorite TV shows are "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse" and "Phineas and Ferb".  The only movie he likes to watch is the A,B,C'S movie.  He likes playing with balls, cars, and anything squishy.  He likes all food and nothing seems to stand out as his favorite.  He loves music and dancing.  He loves the outdoors.  He like warm weather. He likes looking at animals just not touching them.  I think its because they always lick him lol.  He likes playing in dirt like most babies do. He likes stuff animals and pillows too!  He likes to cuddle with them.

DISLIKES-  He doesn't like to watch too much TV.  He rather be into or doing something (like his dad).  He doesn't like to be splashed or sprayed with water.  He doesn't like to be cooped up for very long.  He doesn't like being too cold. 

Thursday, July 26, 2012


Parker Gene Crockett
August 23, 2011; 12:43 am
7lbs 9oz and 20 1/2 in

     My due date was for Aug 27th! We went to my OB app on August 22, 2011 at 10am! They checked all my vitals and my blood pressure was way high, so the doc said he wasn't waiting any longer! He told me to go straight to the hospital and they were going to start me into labor!! I really didn't want to do it this way because having it naturally happen, like it did with Brayden, went so smoothly labor wise! Well they started me at 11am and by 1pm I was dilated to a 4! Then we just waited a bit longer and by 6pm I was to a 7! Then it turned for the worse, I stopped dilating!! At 11:30 pm the doc said "we could wait it out but I would rather go a head and do a c-section instead of waiting till the baby was is in stress and make things a lot worse"! So I said "ok" and headed in for a c-section! As much as I didn't want a c-section, I'm glad I listen to the doc because the cord was wrapped around my little guys neck really bad.  That is why I would not dilate any further because he couldn't come any further down the birth canal!  His dad was the only one that was in the room when he was born, of course, because we had a c-section.  His grandma's Debbie and Julie, aunts Desi, Keshia, Britt, Allison, and Chelsie were all out in the waiting room.   The whole time I was having the c-section, Josh just looked at me and it took him a lot not to cry.  He doesn't like seeing me in positions like that.  Once they pulled Parker out I heard him crying and the first thing I noticed, when they showed me him, was that he was purple!  Josh went straight away with the baby and nurses to get Parker all taken care of!  He was purple because his temp was too low, but once they got him all warmed up he was bright red!  He was so red and dark the hospital put his race as Hispanic instead of white, even tho I put down white lol!

    Parker is lucky enough to have one loving great great grandmother Klemish, six loving great grandparents ( grandpa Bill & grandma Jennie Burrell, grandpa Jack & grandma Gladys Mangum, grandpa Florentino and grandma Cruz Aguilar), and four wonderful grandparents( grandpa Gene and grandma Julie Crockett, grandma Deborah Mangum, and grandpa John Aguilar) when he was born.  He had one big brother Brayden. He also had eight wonderful aunts (Brittney, Desi, Keshia, Mickela, Jenny, Allison, Chelsie, and Nicholya) and four awesome uncles (Brandon, Matt, Doug and David) also with a god father Aaron Larson. He also had seven cousins at the time (Jenna, Tyler, Trelynn, Andrew, Mariana, Zulay and Jackson).

   Parker also had problems with his bilirubin and it was worse then Brayden had it.  He took a very long time to get rid of his jaundice.  It seemed to keep going up instead of down even with using the bili blanket.  It finally stopped climbing right before they were going to put him in the hospital at 3 weeks old.  The doctor said the fact that it stopped climbing meant that it will eventually go away now.  He was a month old before it was gone.  Parker was very opposite baby compared to his older brother Brayden.  I slept sitting up on the couch , because it was painful to sleep in my bed after having a c-section, for a month and a half.  Parker slept out on the couch with me, so I didn't have to wake my husband up to get the baby every time, since he was taking care of Brayden.  Parker slept on my chest every night.  Parker was one of those babies everyone warns you about lol.  He woke up every 2 hours on the dot crying day or night.  It was nice that he would slept for 2 hours at a time.  He had a very loud cry too.  He was definitely one of the babies that just pooped, slept, ate and cried, and nothing else lol.  I was the only one that could hold him to stop him from crying.  He had to be held quit a bit.  He wasn't a baby I could lay in the play pin.  After about 10 min of being in the play pin or swing he would just start crying.  I even tried just letting him cry, but he would never stop.  The only time he would stop crying was when he was sleeping and he didn't sleep very long.  The only other thing that seemed to be able to get him to sleep, besides me, was the swing.  Ever now and then he would fall asleep crying in the swing.  Some nights he wouldn't stop crying or go back to sleep.  So I would put him in the swing and let him cry.  After about 15 minutes he would eventually go to sleep, but it didn't work all the time.  Once I would get him asleep in the swing I couldn't take him out, because then he would wake up  and it would start all over again.  So some nights he slept in the swing. 

   Parker was a little oinker eating all the time and I only nursed him too.  I didn't have feeding problems with him at all.  My milk came in really good and had plenty. When Parker was a month old he was 8lbs, 13oz and 21 1/2 in.  He received his baby blessing on October 9th, 2011 through the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  He father blessed him and yet again the same lady in our ward wrote down his baby blessing for us.   Parker also did not like taking baths.  Every time we bathed him, he would scream none stop.  He also had his baby pictures taken by cousin Tiffany Harris.   Parker always had to stay really warm else he would be cranky.  We had to keep our room super warm for him and we would be sweating even without blankets.  He did not do so well with the cold or even just warm!  He had his first Halloween were he was a cute little duck!  He did really good and slept most of the time!  We also noticed that every time he ate he would spit so much up.  We came to find that he had acid reflex and took medication for it.  The doctor said he should grow out of it by time he's one.  We had him sleep at a slant at night since he mainly only had the problem when he laid down flat. He also got to meet his grandpa and grandma Burrell for the first time!

   When he was two months old he was 11 lbs, 12 oz and 22 in.  He was starting to be awake more too.  He would try to turn on his sides too.  He had his first Thanksgiving with the Crocketts, which was his first time away from home.  He also got sick with bronchitis for the first time. He starting talking and laughing a lot.   He has the funnest laugh.  He also came to love taking baths and loved his little tub!  He also would still not sleep in his bed for every long and than he would only sleep in mommy and daddy's bed.  I also noticed that if I ate anything with nuts in it, it would cause him to have a big tummy ache.  We thought he might be allergic to nuts since I was when I was pregnant with him.   The doctor said we couldn't find out if he was at this young of age and for me just to keep them away just in case.

At three months old He had his first Christmas and New Years.   He was able to turn over on his belly but not back on his back.  He also received a new grandma, Flo.  Parker would not take a bottle.  Mommy had surgery and had her gallbladder removed, so I was unable to nurse him for a full 24 hours.  It was so hard because he was hungry.  After buy so many different kind of bottles we finally found a nipple he would drink from.  He also had to have formula because I had to throw away my milk.  Parker having to drink formula and out of a bottle was hard on him, but we survived!  He met is Aunt Susie, uncle Darin, and cousins Allan and Victor for the first time!

   At four months old Parker was 13 lbs, 7oz and 24 1/2 in.  He was starting to be able to roll all the way over and was starting to sit himself up.  He was now more alert and understood things more.  When daddy would come home he would whine and whine until daddy picked him up.  He was starting to like daddy more than mommy lol, but before it was always mommy!   He started to notice toys and Brayden too.   They would start laughing at each other all the time.  The thing tho is he never wanted to stand on his legs.  Every time we tried standing him up he would start crying and bend his legs. So I took him to the doctor to see if anything was wrong with his legs or hips.  He said nothing was broken or such.  Then I decided to take him to the chiropractor.  The chiropractor said that his legs and hips were to stiff for a baby and that he could treat him for it.  We took him in every week to be worked on.  After about a month he was a lot better and didn't have the standing problem any more. He also got to meet his new cousin Arturo Juarez.

   At five months old he was able to hold himself in a sitting position.  He still wasn't sleeping through the night.  He would wake up still wanting to eat twice every night and still had to sleep with mommy.  He would always give you big bear hugs when you picked him up, almost like he was never going to let you go!  He was starting to roll all over the floor, so that meant putting up the stair gates!  He still liked eating everything, but now he was wanting to eat what we ate.  He had his first Superbowl party and he loved watching football!  He also went to Aunt Chelsie and Practors baby shower and it was his first time surrounded by so many people!  He did not like it lol, just like his dad and grandpa, doesn't like big groups!  He now was noticing his feet and toys!  He stared grabbing everything in front of him and playing with his feet a lot!

    At six months old Parker was 16 lbs, 12 oz and 27 in.  He started trying to crawl by pushing with his legs, it looked really funny watching him do it!  He also like playing peek-a-boo with brayden!  They would laugh so hard at each other when playing peek-a-boo!  Parker started playing around with Brayden.  Now that Parker would play around, Brayden sometimes would get a little too rough wrestling on the floor.  Parker thought it was fun and funny for the most part.  He got pneumonia and an ear infection for the first time and at the same time!  It was horrible, I've never had to take care of a baby that sick before.  Brayden has never gotten that sick, so it was rough!  Parker also received a new cousin, Practor Luker, and got to meet him for the first time.  He just kept trying to grab Practors hand!  He also got to meet his other cousin for the first time, Zulay (who is a month older then him), along with uncle Brandon and aunt Jenny!  He loved his cousins, aunts and uncles very much!  He started drinking out of a sippy cup for the first time and would try to take Brayden's from him when he got the chance.  He started eat baby food for the first time and loved everything except anything with carrots in it! Brayden also tried feeding Parker whenever he could get the chance.

   At seven months Parker was now doing the army crawl.  He didn't seem interested in getting up on his hands and knees at the time.  He was content just as long as he could get around on the floor.  He had his first Easter and celebrated Brayden's birthday for the first time too!  He didn't get into it much since he wasn't able to get around perfectly yet, but he did try to eat the egg dye.  He got his
 first sunburn too.  It was such a nice weekend we played outside for an hour and within that hour in 50-60 degree weather he got burnt a little on top of his head.  Parker was no long that dark baby in the hospital!  He was even whiter then his daddy lol!  His hair is strawberry blond, so thin ,and fine that's where he sunburned a little, on the top of his head.  To go along with that hair he had blue/gray eyes with long eyelashes!  Brayden thought that is was now time to test things out on Parker.  Brayden would spray his juice box on Parker and used him as a garbage disposal for left over foods too!

   At eight months he started fighting back with his brother whenever Brayden tried to take toys away.  Sometime Parker would even try to take away Brayden toys!  All of a sudden my baby become a very shy baby and wouldn't go to anyone he didn't know or see very often.  If they tried to hold him, he would start crying his head off.  I don't know what brought this on, maybe because we really didn't go anywhere or see anyone for a while.  He started a habit, instead of sucking on his thumb, he started sucking on his big toe! He also started getting up on his hands and knees trying to crawl.  I guess him wanting to follow brother everywhere got him wanting to move faster.  He would kneel next to brother's bikes wanting on them, so Brayden would take him on a ride.  They are so good with each other.  He also had his aunt Desi come stay with us.  I don't know who loved that more the babies or mommy lol!

At nine months Parker was now crawling full out on his hands and knees.  He started pulling himself up and walking along things too. He would only woke up once in the middle of the nigh, but still had to sleep with mom the second half.  He started wanting to eat more grown up food and less baby food.  He had his first day with mommy and daddy gone for the whole day too.  He loved going outside to play and would try to escape out the door every chance he got.  He could now crawl up the stairs all by himself.  It was all of a sudden too. He was climbing up everything now. He loved crawling up in brothers bed to play in it. Now mommy had more to worry about!  He started taking a bottle too for the first time. So at night I would just give him a bottle instead of nursing., which was nice for mama lol.

At 10 months Parker was 17 lbs, 13oz and 30 in tall and his head circumference of 16in.  He had his first Independence day and it didn't go so well.  He loved the parade and train ride, but when it came to the fireworks not so much.  They scared him so bad.  As long as he couldn't hear them he loved it.  He like watching but the noise was too much.   He went swimming for the first time too and didn't like it so much either.  When we got into the water he screamed and once he got done crying he went straight to sleep.  He got to stay in a hotel for the first time too and thought it was cool.  He also went swimming then too.  After a couple of times in the pool he started to like swimming and splashed around.  I think he just needed to feel safe and once I showed him everything was ok he was good to go.  He especially like the hot tub!  He still wont go to my dad, every time he starts crying.  Sometime people just have to talk to him for him to start crying.  There was only two people so far, that he hadn't seen for a while, that he didn't hesitate for a minute with at first.  That was his Aunt Allison and Grandpa Burrell!  The second he saw them he wanted them to pick him up.  He is starting to love playing with other kids now too.  For the first time ever, Parker slept through the whole night.  He doesn't do it every night but half the time he does and if he doesn't I just pick him up, lay him next to me and he goes right back to sleep! Parker is now walking full out, of course he still falls down but he just walks everywhere.  He had stopped eating baby food all together.  No matter how hard I tried to feed any type/kind of baby food, he would spit it right back out and never eat it no matter how hungry he was.   He also had his first three teeth come in, they were his two top eye teeth and his bottom front tooth.  He had the eye teeth come in first and he looked like a vampire lol!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Brayden's baby memories!

Brayden Joshua Crockett:
Born: April 2, 2010 @ 2:44am
in Burley, ID
7 lbs 4oz and 20 1/2 in

    Brayden is lucky enough to have1 loving great great grandmother Klemish, 6 loving great grandparents ( grandpa Bill & grandma Jennie Burrell, grandpa Jack & grandma Gladys Mangum, grandpa Florentino and grandma Cruz Aguilar), and 4 wonderful grandparents( grandpa Gene and grandma Julie Crockett, grandma Deborah Mangum, and grandpa John Aguilar) when he was born.  He also had 8 wonderful aunts (Brittney, Desi, Keshia, Mickela, Jenny, Allison, Chelsie, and Nicholya) and 3 awesome uncles (Brandon, Matt, and David) also with a god father Aaron Larson. He also had 6 cousins at the time (Jenna, Tyler, Trelynn, Andrew,Mariana, and Jackson)! When he was born he had his dad, Aunts Desi, Britt, Keshia, Grandma Debbie and his adopted Aunt Tristian in the room.  They weren't all suppose to be in there but the doc came in and was wanting the baby out in a hurry.  Everyone was so scrambled they themselves didn't know what to do lol.  The next day he got to meet the rest of the family.

   It was hard picking out a name for Brayden, mainly because his father did not like any boy names for some reason!  I had a list of names filling up the whole front and back on a piece of paper.  Only one name, at of them all, that my husband liked and stuck out to him. When Brayden was born, he was born with the cord tightly wrapped around his neck.  He didn't even make a sound when he came out, which was one of the scariest things I've been through.  The nurses rushing around working on him and after what seemed an eternity we finally heard a tiny faint cry.  He nursed the first time good, but after that he wouldn't eat.  The nurses had to get a bottle and show us how to make him swallow his food.  We would drop some in his mouth then run our figure gently over the out side of his throat.  He would slowly take a swallow.  They tested his blood and his sugars were low, which was causing him to be very weak and not eat.  They said it was caused from the cord being around his neck.  The whole time we were in the hospital we had to feed him with a bottle when he wouldn't nurse, which was most of the time.  It wasn't till his sugars came up that he started to nurse more.  This made it hard for my milk to come in and made me discouraged thinking that I could never produce milk.  I really wanted to nurse my baby and so I continued to pump.  My husband helped and stood by my side the whole time and comforted me.  It took a month before a had a good source of milk to feed him.  So we had to also feed him out of a bottle with formula.   He was born with his eyes wide open taken everything in as much as possible like he was ready to live life to the fullest!    

    He has always been a tough kid, its like pain did not bother him at all.  Even when he had to keep being tested for his billirubin, because it was so high and lasted for 2 weeks! He didn't even cry or flinch at all when they would poke and draw his blood!  The nurses said they have never seen that before. He did however have one problem as a baby.   His body hadn't developed enough to have his own bowl movements, so we had to help him.  We also gave him pedilite in a bottle to help him along.   Brayden has always love sleeping in his own bed, even from the beginning! He always snored too, it sounded like a kitten purring lol.  He doesn't snore all the time now, but when he does its the same snore.  He was snuggle and fall asleep with me, but if I wanted him to stay asleep I had to put him in his own bed.  He just like having space to himself, mainly because he moved around like crazy and still does.  He started sleeping through the night before he turn a month old.  He was not the type of baby who liked being held, sang to or rocked when going to sleep unless he was sick.  We just lay him in his bed and he went to sleep.  At first I was like this isn't bad what is everyone talking about not being able to sleep lol.  He didn't cry much only when he was hungry or got hurt other then that we never heard him cry.  When he cried it was so soft and low it was hard to tell if he was actually crying. Well it seems I just had a good baby all around. We love our little Brayden!  He was the happiest, alert and most lively baby I knew!

       When Brayden was a month old, on May 2, 2010, He received his baby blessing through the View 1st ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints, which he received from his father.  We were lucky enough to have a dear friend from our ward who was knew short hand writing and gave us a copy of his blessing.  At his baby blessing he got to meet the rest of the Crockett family, his God father Aaron, and his Grandpa Aguilar.By time he was  a month old he weighted 10 lbs 2 oz and was 22 in tall. He has these super long eye lashes and every lady loves them.  Where ever we go everyone mentions them.  I was a primary teacher and he went with me every time and from the beginning he has loved singing time.  Even when I was pregnant with him, whenever they would start singing he would move all around in my belly.  As he got older he would sing (baby singing lol) along with the kids and dance.  Sometimes he would sing so loud you could hear him above all the kids and down the hall.  The whole primary loved him and fought over who he got to sit with too lol.   

2 months old
2 months and always sticking out his tongue
Brayden 2 months
 Brayden was always my skinny mini baby.   The doc didn't think I was feeding him enough, but it seemed like I was feeding him all day long.  He was as active as much as possible always smiling ( had the biggest smile), laughing and making you laugh by doing the cutest things and had so many facial expressions!!!  He got his First set of shots at 2 months and he didn't even cry like always he was my tough kid.  He was even good about taking the oral vaccinations too, never spit or dripped any of it and swallowed it right down.  He has always been good about taking his medicines even now.  At 2 months he was 11 lbs 8 oz and 24 inches

When Brayden was 3 months old his Aunt Chelsie married Doug Luker, in which he gain another awesome uncle!  Brayden also got to meet his Aunt Allison when he was 3 months old, who lived in Virginia at the time!  She had come for Aunt Chelsie's wedding! He also visited Yellowstone park for the first time when he was 3 months old!   He also had his first Independence day too, but unfortunately was not able to go see any fireworks :(  He went to  his first concert at the Boise, Id Festival to see the Backstreet Boys, Macy Gray, and Bret Micheal's

Aunt Jenny

Uncle Brandon
Brayden rolling over on his belly

Brayden hanging on by himself

Brayden started rolling over on his belly and standing on his own while holding on to something at 4 month!  He was such a go getting, independent, and strong!  He always seem/acted older then he was!  He also said "Dad" for the first time!  At 5 months old he weighted 14 lbs 9 oz and 25 1/2inches tall.  He go to meet his Uncle Brandon and Aunt Jenny for the first time ( who lived in Arizona).  He started drinking out of a normal cup and he did pretty good.  He would only spill down himself when he would drink too fast.  He really liked his sippy cups too!

By time Brayden was 6 months old he was sitting up all by himself!  At 6 months old was when we first introduced baby food to him and he loved it all except the meats, which is funny since that's is exactly what I ate when pregnant with him! He was always was getting into as much stuff as possible and had big smiles.  When he was 6 months old he went camping/ hunting with daddy for the first time in Salmon, Id.  He was able to go to his first football game which he loved and was really excited!  Whenever the crowd would start screaming, he would scream with them, be jumping and clapping.  He loved clapping and playing patty cake bakers man.  He also was in his first car wreck, where we hit a cow at night and thank heavens no one was seriously hurt.  I thank my Heavenly Father everyday, he was in his car seat when it happened.  I had just got done nursing him and was just holding him.  Then I got a thought came to my head, " you should put him back in his car seat now", so I did.  Within 15 minutes from the time I did so we hit the cow on the road.  He also celebrated his first Halloween as a lion and he was so good about putting his costume on too!  He would even roar lol!  He was a really good baby.
Getting ready to go camping/hunting
baby food for the first time

at football game in Pocatello

A lion for Halloween

In camper up in Salmon, Id

at black Friday!
 He had is first Thanksgiving at 7 months which he loved and big out lol!   He also attended his first Black Friday shopping spree with his parents and aunts!  He was really good about it too!  He became obsessed with phones especially cell phones.  He would always grab cell phones when no one was looking and call people.  I don't know how he unlocked the phone but he did.  He has called, grandma Debbie, Aaron, aunt Allison, aunt Desi, aunt Keshia, aunt Britt, grandpa Jack, and most of all daddy.  He would even talk to who ever called, that is if I didn't catch him in time lol. When daddy was at work he would leave voice messages for him.  His addiction only became worse as he got older.  He became in love with the vacuum.  When ever we would vacuum he would try to follow and catch it.  As he got older he would want to vacuum all by himself, so he would let him.  Josh said "it looks like that will be his chore when he gets old, its too bad he doesn't like doing laundry in stead lol"!  He loved watching Mickey Mouse Club House and his ABC's.  He would watch them all day if we would let him. He started waving "bye, bye" at 7 months. He got to meet his Uncle Darin, Aunt Susie and cousins Allan and Victor for the first time (who lives in Washington). He weighed 17lbs 2oz and 26 1/2in tall, but then he got really sick with Bronchitis and lost weight down to 16lbs 12oz.

Resting after stuff ourselves full
on thanksgiving

Uncle Darin, Aunt Susie, Allan
and Victor

   He started crawling at 8 months on Christmas day, which was also his first Christmas of course! When he started crawling he would go into dark rooms and hid there.  He has never been scared of the dark, but instead loves playing in the dark!  He was able to go to the festival of trees and sit on Santa's lap, which he was really good about doing too!  We are really bad about waiting to open presents!  On Christmas Eve we let him open one present, but by time we had everything set up for Santa he had woken up!  So we let him open his presents at 1am instead of letting him wait lol!  Its like he knew something was going on and wanted to be a part of it.   Now that he was able to crawl and walk around hanging on things, he was able to play more with his cousin Jackson (who was 3 months older).   When ever he would see his cousin he would start screaming of excitement.  Jackson didn't like it so much lol,  Jackson would try to get away from him when he acted like that, which was all the time.  Jackson was like get that crazy thing away from me he's scary, which a few other babies would do because my son was so wild.  He loved having people around. 

9 months old pushing his car around

9 months helping grandpa fitting a
quilt together and kept snuggling it.
  He started walking around/ hanging on things at 9 months old.  He would push his car toy around walking behind it. He was becoming such a ham.  We didn't have to wait till he was 2yrs old, he was always into things and helping everyone out as much as possible. Around this age when he became obsessed with soft materials and would snuggle with them. He also got celebrated his first New Years at 9 months! He has been always been a big flirt with the girls and became better at it with age.  When we would go into restaurants all the lady's would go goo goo over him and he would always get free stuff from them lol.  He Stopped nursing at 9 months and would only want a sippy cup or bottle when going to sleep.  I didn't find out till later then reason why he stop nursing was because I was pregnant and my milk was changing.  He started to climb the stairs at 9 months.  I took him downstairs with me to put some stuff away.  I sat him down while I did so and when I turned around he was going up the stairs.

Brayden waking up his dad

Superbowl, Brayden screaming at the
T.V. and eating BBQ wings
At 10 months old he developed more on his walking and then started to dance to music all the time!  He loves listening to music and dancing to it ( probably from listening to music in my belly lol)!   He also liked playing instruments too!  He also had his first Super bowl party.  He loved the BBQ wings and would scream at the TV with us!  He also started climb on our bed so in the mornings we would  be woken up by someone tackling us!  When he was 10 months old mommy and daddy found out that we were going to have another baby in August.  He also started blowing kisses at 10 months and loved giving them.  He got his first hair cut when he was 10 months old.  His hair grew fast.  A little before  he turned 2, he finally would hold still enough for me to cut his hair for him.  He didn't look like are baby any more but more of a little toddler!  Around 10 months he became addicted to making cat noises.  Whenever he seen any animal he would make a cat sound!  He sounded just like a cat too.  I could never tell the difference between him and a real cat!  He did this for a every long time until he could say cat!

Aunt Allison and Brayden looking at
the Statue of Liberty
In N.Y.C
When he was 11 months old he flew on an airplane for the first time to visit his Aunt Allison in Virgina, which he also got to go to New York City, Washington D.C too! Brayden is a people person and is friendly to everyone, which kinda scares me as a mother.  To him everyone is equal.  While we were over visiting Aunt Allison, when ever he would hear or see a African American he would just stare at them.  He found them very interesting he had never seen a person like that before, and he was always trying to get their attention.  He was officially was walking all by himself at 11 months with falling down every now and then!! He was a fast learner! He was 18lbs 7oz and 28in tall.  When he had to poo he would go hid in a dark room till he was finished. If there was no room to hid in he would go to a corner or behind something and go in his diaper.  If we came upon him in the middle of it, he would scream at us until we went away.  I always found it funny the fact that he like his privacy even as a baby lol.  He did not like getting his diaper changed at all.  No one would want to change him because he was such a pill about it.  It seemed mommy was the only one who could get him to behave some what ok while changing him, but still didn't make it easy to catch him to do it.  It didn't matter how dirty his diaper was he would rather stay in it then get it changed!

watching the fireworks

   After he turned one time seemed to fly by! On his first birthday he didn't big out and make a mess with his cake.  He slowly picked at it that is until we put his hand in it lol!  He got to have 2 birthday's.  the 2nd on was with the Crockett family, were he got to celebrate with Grandpa Gene on his 50th birthday! When he was born, he had dark gray eyes with brown hair. By the time he turned one he had dirty blond hair (like his dad) and hazel eyes.  One thing he did get from me is his tan.  He doesn't burn very easy, buy tans very good.  I still put sunscreen on him no matter what tho.  During the summer when he would take baths, he would have a white bum and everything else tan lol.   He loved going out in his kiddy pool, but didn't like playing in the sprinkler.  He just didn't like things spraying in his face.  He was that way with taking a bath.  He didn't like taking showers with daddy, but just like sitting in the tub. As he has gotten older he has come to love taking showers.  Now its impossible for mommy and daddy to take showers with him awake.  He always runs to get in even with his clothes on.  Then he kicks us out of the shower and just stands under the water saying "Awe" lol. 

   Once he was able to walk he had a big habit of throwing everything down the stairs.  It seemed to get worse before it got better.  By the time he turned two the habit subsided, thank heaven.  We started him on whole milk, but he never loved drinking it.  He would drink it sometimes, but he loved juice. We got him a big boy car seat, which he loved, because now he could see out the window and look at everything. He's always been good about his car seats and now he has to be buckled in else he whines.  I glad he has that as a good habit.  He even tries to buckle himself in if we don't do it straight away lol.   He did not get his first tooth until he was 13 months almost 14 months, just like his daddy!   The order of the of each tooth he got is: bottom front left, bottom front right, top front right, top front, top right lateral incisor, top left lateral incisor, bottom right lateral incisor, bottom left lateral incisor, bottom right canine, bottom left canine, top right canine, top left canine, bottom left second molar, bottom right second molar, top right second molar, top left second molar, bottom left first molar, top left first molar, bottom right first molar, top right fist molar. He did not received all his teeth till he was 2 yrs old! We tried to get him off the bottle/ sippy cup at bed time and that was a nightmare.  It didn't go so well there were nights that was a success but it took time and effort.

   Shortly after he turned one we found out that he would be getting a little brother, Parker!  My husband is big on rules and such, so we didn't put Brayden in a crib till he was 15 months.  At 15 months he was 20 lbs 7oz and 33 inch, this is when he had his biggest growth spurt.That's what the instructions said when we got it so my hubby said we had to wait.  Brayden slept in his playpen with a mattress once he got too big for his bassinet which was around 7 months old.  When we put him in his crib he loved it.  He always wanted in it all the time day and night, so it was so easy to get him to take his naps and to bed at night.  Sometimes he would just like to stay in his crib and play lol.  Brayden was a night owl from the ever since he was a month old, like his mom, the soonest we could get him to bed was 9pm.  When he was 21 months old he started climbing out of the crib even at the lowest level.  We decided to change it into a toddlers bed, because the crib was so high up I was afraid he might hurt himself.  He was getting out of bed anyways so
why not just make it safer and give mom a less of a heart attach.  He was really excited about his toddler bed too.  We didn't have a hard time with him getting out at night.  The only problem we had was he falling out, which has only happened a couple times, because he is the biggest toss and turn person I know.  He talks and moves a lot in his sleep. When he was 15 months old he fell down the stairs (outside) for the first time, which he received his first bloody lip and goose egg on his head!  He also got to see the fire works for the first time and he went crazy for them!  He also received another cousin Zulay.  He would never suck out of straw for us.  He would always make us plug the straw and put the the end of it in his mouth.  We tried so long to get him to and he would try, but he wasn't patient enough. He would suck for two seconds, if nothing came up then he would get upset and stop trying.  At 15 months we finally got him to suck out of straw.   He finally realized he just had to wait a little long and it would come up!

   When He was 16 months old He finally got to meet his little Brother!  He stayed with Aunt Desi and Britt at home while we were in the hospital.  At first he did not know what to think.  He would go to touch him and then pull away like he was afraid of hurting him, but then gently touch his hand.  All he would do would stare at him with big eyes and the look at us like he was saying what is it lol!  For a week he wouldn't hold, hug or kiss him.  Then he stared to get more comfortable with him and would give him hugs and kisses but still would not hold him!  It was about 2 weeks later that we got him to hold him, then after that it was history!  Parker was his baby!  When he wanted to hold him, he wanted him now and would not let anyone take him away!  When I had Parker in the swing and his pacifier fell out.  Brayden would go over and hold the pacifier in, kept swinging him back and forth, and sang to him at the same time!  I was so cute!  There were the moments tho that you could tell when Brayden got a little jealous, because Parker would get a lot more attention!  He would act out by getting into things or climb all over you to get your attention, but he didn't do it very often.  Once his little brother was born it was like he knew he needed to act like the big brother.  He stopped needing a bottle or sippy at bed time instantly, it was cool. When Brayden was 22 months old he got to meet his cousin Zulay (who was 8 month old at the time) for the first time and he loved her so much.  When he was 23 months He met his cousin Practor ( who was only only a couple days old).  He didn't know how to act Practor being a tiny baby, aunt Chelsie and uncle Doug had a dancing game on the kept him side tracked lol.  

  He is a go getter and is non stop living up every moment to the fullest! Now that he is two these are some Word/sentences he knows are: truck, ball, dad, Jack, Desi, out, up, off, juice, drink, cheese, ouch, tree, cat, hat, bike, hot, shoes, TV, stop, candy, chocolate, Delicious, cookie, cracker, fish, eyes, help, look, book, bus, bye bye, night night, two, nose, elk, yuck, Whats that?, There it is!, and Oh look at that! He has a hard time saying M's (which is why he hardly ever says mom unless he is hurt), L's, and P's! His all time favorite word to say it TRUCK! His favorite food is mac & cheese, White cheddar shells, gogurts, string cheese, applesauce, fruit cups, Fried Potatoes, cream corn, corn on the cob, pizza, pudding, mash potatoes with gravy, any candy (of course), and most of all jello!  He likes Tator tots but not fries which is weird to me.  He use to eat all veggies but lately when he sees peas or green beans he says yuck and wont eat anything with them in it.  He will drink pretty much anything but his favorite drinks are juices of all kinds.  He hardly eats any meat unless mainly because he didn't get his teeth till later so he couldn't eat it much.  For a long time he went through a stage were he would chew food in his mouth and then spit it out.  I asked the doc why ( mainly because I thought he wasn't eating enough food), but the doc said it was a texture stage some toddlers went through.  His first favorite movie to watch was his "A,B,C's around the world".  He also likes "Rio", "Megamind", "Tangled", "Hercules", "Finding Nemo", and "Monsters Inc."  He will actually watch any movie that has a lot of good upbeat music in it or a lot of action.  He watches older western TV shows with his Grandma Mangum.  He will even act out the fight scenes with her.  He acts out the gun fights and when he gets shot he will fall down dead lol!  He likes watching "Dancing with the Stars" with mommy.  When they start dancing he starts dancing too.  Sometimes he grabs my hand and wants me to dance with him!

  He has always loved taking baths. We always have the hardest time getting him out, whenever we try he goes limp like a dead fish.  He likes brushing his teeth too,  that seemed to be the only way to get him out of the bath.  We would say come brush your teeth and he would get out.  His favorite color is red.  He loves all types of trucks big or small, their all the same to him.  He loves hanging out with the guys, especially the old guys/boys!  He really loves playing with his cousins Tyler, Andrew, uncle Matt, grandpa Mangum and Daddy (probably because their around all the time).  The only problem he had with anyone was all the Hispanic males in my family.  When any of them would want to hold him or come near him he would just start crying.  We don't know why he did this but he did.  It took him till he was almost 2 yrs old before he stopped doing it.  He likes to socialize like his mom and gets so excited when we have company.  He likes to be the center of attention and show off.  He is already like his dad a lot!  He loves the outdoors, wont come in side no matter how cold it is, and is constantly hurting himself by trying to do everything you can think of!    He has now fallen down our stairs three times (once with the stair gate).  He is constantly tripping over his feet or objects because he doesn't watch where he is going and when he does watch his feet he is running into the wall and things.

    He loves playing with his little brother.  He is such a great big brother.  He shares his food and sippy cup all the time.  At first he wouldn't share his toys, then he started giving toys to Parker to play with on his own.  When Parker has a toy he wants to play with Brayden will go get another toy and show Parker it.  Once Parker attention is on that toy Brayden will take the other toy lol.  It took sometime to get Brayden to share but he is starting to be really good about it without throwing a fit.  He likes to dance around, make funny faces, and noises at Parker and makes Parker laugh a ton.  Then its like a ripple they start laughing at each other for the longest time. He likes hanging out with Parker.  He had his stage were he didn't want to give any loves and being mean to everyone.  Now he still throws fits just like all kids his age do.  He is very loving tho.  He loves giving hugs and kisses!  When he hurts anyone on accident he gives "loves and kisses", that is his way of saying sorry.   Every time daddy walks in the door for work and gives mommy kisses, he has to be right there too and give hugs and kisses.  We have a big family hugs and kisses.  When something is cute or soft he goes "awe" in this little sweet tone lol.  It so cute!  He is pretty good about picking up things when asked to, but he has his rebel moments too.  He is really good about throwing the garbage away.  If he sees any on the floor he says "yuck' and the picks it up and throws it away.   He loves animals and playing with them.  At Grandpa and Grandma Crockett's house they have two lab dogs and he loves laying on them like a pillow or a bed.  Now he is starting to fall asleep where ever he falls asleep.  When he was a baby he had to be in his bed and it had to be dark els he would not go to sleep at all.  He usually take 1 1/2 hours up to 3 hour naps, which I love because it gives me time to clean up. 

He is now obsessed with trucks.  Everyday its a battle because he wants to go sit out in the truck all day long.  That's the only thing that can stop him from crying when he gets hurt, besides us kissing it better.  Even if its a tiny scrap he has to have a kiss better, even if you can't see anything there.  He is such a character lol.