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Sunday, August 12, 2012

Exploding into July 2012

Crockett Adventures-  This month, of course, we celebrated Independence day.  Josh had to work till 7pm, like always, so he was unable to attend the parade with us.  That nigh we went over to our cousins Justin and Hailey Mangum's house for a BBQ and fireworks.  We were able to see Aunt Susie, uncle Darin, Victor, and Allen ( who live in Washington). They had brought big awesome (maybe illegal lol) fireworks with them to show us.  Josh has been working a lot this month.  Yes, it is nice having the extra money to travel and have extra thing, but its hard at the same time.  His work has been short on officers and him being one of their best/favorites get called in a lot.  They seem to have him on call all the time, but the next two months he shouldn't be as much. I on the other hand seemed to have ripped tenants and ligaments in my ankle, which caused me to have to wear a boot brace for 6 weeks so far.  I hope it will be healed in the end,so I do not have to have surgery.  Josh and I have been able to go on two dates, which has been nice since we've not had a lot of time together.  I'm grateful to have my wonderful sisters, Desi and Keshia, who's been willing to take care of my boys when I need it.  They've helped a lot since I hurt my ankle.  We were able to go to spend a weekend with my dad ( grandpa Aguilar) and Flo (step mother) to celebrate Desi and grandpa's birthdays with the Aguilar family.  We were able to go to Pocatello, finally, to visit the Crockett family.  Thanks to my hubby's hard work, we were able to stay in a hotel the whole time.  That way we could kinda say "we had a vacation" lol!  Josh had to have is tooth pulled out, because it had totally broke off only leaving he rooks.  We also made a swimming pool in the back of our truck using a tarp lol.   Its really nice being able to do that , because its like swimming in a river, lake, or canal only smaller and cleaner lol.  That's how I always went swimming as a kid.  I like it better then pools, plus its free.  The kids are able to swim with us , which is safer in a way too.


ADVENTURES-  Brayden went to the Independence Parade in Rupert.  Afterwards he went to square park to eat parade stand foods.  While we were there he met a little Mexican boy, who was about his age.  The little boy started speaking Spanish to him and Brayden was talking back.  They went back and forth like they understood each other.  Before we let he got to ride a Mobile trolley.  It went super fast, which kinda scared him but not enough to make him cry.  He's got to go swimming a few times.  It is very difficult to get him out of any pool.  He went spotting with grandpa Crockett, daddy, and godfather Aaron for a whole day.  At a church event, Brayden was playing with all the kids and a kid smashed Brayden's thumb in the church doors.  It turned black and eventually the nail totally fell off.

ACHIEVEMENTSHe's becoming better at pronouncing words and saying more words.  He is good about sitting on the potty, but still wont go potty in it.  He is obsessed with reading and will actually say words on the page.  He knows the colors blue, purple, and black.  He know the letters A, D, E, I and P.  He can sign "I love you" with his hands!  He knows most of his body parts!  He likes to say the prayer and tries to do it by himself.  He knows what and how to say Hippopotamus and Platypus.

HABITSHe is either playing with his toy trucks, reading books, riding his bike, outside in daddy's truck, or playing in the water.  He prefers cold more then hot.  He tries playing around with Parker, but gets a little rough sometimes.  He's a very picky eater.  If the food looks gross he wont eat it. He doesn't care to eat meat very much. If he wants a drink, he will spit out the food in his mouth and take a drink instead of just swallowing it.  He has a specific pillow and blanket he takes everywhere all day long with him.  He loves to sing and dance.  He has high pitch scream he does when things aren't going his way.  He likes to say "spank your butt" or " check your butt" a lot.  He's always running all over and tackling everyone.  He likes to act out pretend gun fights or fist fights.  He will even play dead lol!

PHYSIAL GROWTH-  Brayden is 2yrs old, He weights 27lbs and is 35in tall.  He has a beach boy tan, dirty blond hair, and hazel eyes (brown, yellow, gray, and green) with big long eyelashes.  He's my skinny mini and is going to be a heart breaker!

LIKES-   Favorite foods are mac and cheese, all fruits, white cheddar shells, and anything with cheese.   Favorite toys are all truck/automotive, books, soft pillows, and blankets, bikes and anything that plays music.  Favorite shows are Phineas and Ferb, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, old western shows, all dancing and music TV shows. Favorite movies are Megamind, and Cars.  Favorite color is red and blue.  He loves everything outdoors. He loves playing in dad's truck.  He likes his car seat, taking baths/ showers and brushing his teeth. 

DISLIKES- Brayden is a very picky eater.  If the food looks gross he says its "yuck"!  Sometimes if we can sneak in a bit without him paying attention he'll eat it.  He doesn't like a lot of meats. He doesn't like anyone playing with his trucks.  He doesn't like having to go to bed when people are over.  He doesn't like changing his diaper. 


ADVENTURES-  He got to go to the Independence day parade as well and ride the town mobile trolley too!  He like the trolley a lot and didn't want to get off.   When we started watching fireworks, they scared him really bad.  We had to make sure he couldn't hear them what so ever, so we had to put plugs in his ears and sit in the truck.  As long as he couldn't hear them, he loved watching them through the window!  He got to stay at Grandpa and Grandma Aguilar's house, which he is still afraid of grandpa and cries every time.  When we went to Pocatello he got to go swimming and like before didn't like it too much, but after a few times going swimming started to warm up to it and splashing around.  There was two people he wanted to hold him all the time, Aunt Allison and Grandpa Burrell!

ACHIEVEMENTS- He started to walk all by himself with no help from anyone and with falling down very little.  He climbs up on top of everything, even more than his older brother.  He tries to walk up the stairs instead of crawling.  He can get off the couch all by himself without falling and hurting himself.  He likes to read books and points at everything.  He can wave come here with his hands and blows kisses!  He's getting good at handing you thing when asked to and doesn't cry.  He loves to colors on paper.  He started to dance to music too.

PHYSICAL GROWTH- Parker was 10 months, but turned 11months at the end of the month. He is 30 in tall and weighs 18lbs 10oz. He had 3 teeth come in.  His first tooth was the eye left top eye tooth, then came in the right top eye tooth and last was the bottom left front tooth.  At first with the first two teeth there he looked like a vampire.  He has blond hair, blue green eyes with long eyelashes and is really fair skinned, doesn't tan at all lol! 

HABITS-  He likes to chase his older brother, Brayden, and laughs all the time.  He still takes a bottle for naps and to go to bed, but every once in a while he will fall asleep without it.  He eats anything and everything.  If Brayden doesn't like what I fix I know I can give it to Parker because he eats a lot and everything.  I know bad right but this way food doesn't get wasted right lol!  He loves to be held a lot still.  He has a bad temp tho,  if anyone makes him mad he flips out.  He doesn't put up with his older brother, sometimes he tries to attack Brayden.  Brayden is still much bigger so Parker really cant do any damage thank heavens.  I'm trying really hard to stop that habit.  He like to take baths but not for very long.  He is always getting into all the food cupboards and emptying them.  He doesn't like it when big brother tries to get him out of them and put up his mess lol!  He still is a shy baby and wont interact with strangers only stares, but he's gotten better.  Before if strangers talk to him he would cry but he doesn't do that anymore.  I think nursery has helped him a lot in the area.  He's good at taking medicine and likes to brush his teeth.  He likes to crawl up in bed with everyone and play on beds.  He does it a lot with grandma Gladys, mainly because she has a mirror and stuffed animals on her headboard.

LIKES- His favorite TV shows are "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse" and "Phineas and Ferb".  The only movie he likes to watch is the A,B,C'S movie.  He likes playing with balls, cars, and anything squishy.  He likes all food and nothing seems to stand out as his favorite.  He loves music and dancing.  He loves the outdoors.  He like warm weather. He likes looking at animals just not touching them.  I think its because they always lick him lol.  He likes playing in dirt like most babies do. He likes stuff animals and pillows too!  He likes to cuddle with them.

DISLIKES-  He doesn't like to watch too much TV.  He rather be into or doing something (like his dad).  He doesn't like to be splashed or sprayed with water.  He doesn't like to be cooped up for very long.  He doesn't like being too cold. 

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