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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Falling into September


   This month has been on the tame side, not too much happening!  At the beginning of the month we had the biggest storm of the year, so far!  It was so bad there were severe tornado warnings and it was scary.  It shook the house so bad, had hail, winds, and bad of everything.  I actually got scared that a tornado would touch down!  We also took my sister (Keshia) to Rexburg to start her second year of college.  It was fun, but I don't think the boys liked being in the car for that long, thank heavens for portable TVs.  We were sad to say good bye to Keshia, but we knew we would see her again.   We celebrated my mom's 52nd birthday!  My hubby and I started a fantasy football team together, its something just to be able to do something as a couple!  My Aguilar family started a fantasy football league and they have a trophy for the winner too!   We also decided to start doing the Insanity workout together too.  We both want to get back into shape.  We also decided to let Josh go back to school.  He wants to become a fish and game officer, so he needs to go and get his biology degree.  Its actually really good this way we can us the extra school grant money to pay off our debt too!  Desi, my sister, is living with us now and she has me watching "Ghost Adventures"!  Holy crap, those things freak me out and I have a hard time going to sleep right afterwards.  One night I scared myself when I moved under the blanket, out of the corner of my eye saw part of the blanket go up and thought the blanket was a ghost!!!!  My hubby has been a bit silly too.  We are starting to playing around and having fun, just like we use to when we were dating.  For example, we have water fights, chasing and running around having fun just like little kids lol.  Its good we're getting back to being a fun couple and it makes a difference too.  We celebrated my brother's, Matthew, 13th birthday.  My sisters and I went to our friend, Tiffany Page, baby shower too.  Other than that we've been just hanging out at home watching new release movies and having fun.

ADVENTURES-  He is just a funny kid.  When we go grocery shopping at "Smiths", he has to always grab a baby shopping cart (that is his exact height).  He's really good about it too.  He stays right with me and doesn't run into things.  When we're all done, he puts the cart right back and comes helps me push the big cart out to the car.  He doesn't even throw a fit when he has to put it up.  We stopped at the McDonald's up in Rexburg to eat.  He loved being able to play on the toys inside for the first time!  He would climb all the way up, but wouldn't go down the slides to get down.  He would yell down "help", but none of us could get up there.  This little girl, about 8yrs, finally put him on her lap and went down the slid with him.  I don't know why he wont go down slides anymore, because he would all the time when he was littler.  At every one's birthday parties he likes to blow out the candles for them.  He likes church a lot.  He knows that every week we have church, so when we go to leave he always ask "we go to church?"  When I cant get him to behave, all I have to do is say "OK no church", and then he says no and behaves!  He likes to boss Parker around, especially if Parker is getting into something when he's not suppose to be.  Its good in a way, it helps me out so I know when he is into something.  I hear every time " NO, don't" "NO No's" lol!
GROWTH-  He is 28lbs and 36 in.  When he went in for his check up his iron was low, which is probably, because he doesn't like to eat much meat.  So I have to get supplements to get it up!
ACHIEVEMENTS-  He knows all the A,B,C's and can count 1-10, but still working on recognizing the numbers.  He still is working on his shapes and colors.  He knows the colors red, black, pink, purple, blue, green and yellow. He knows the shape circle. He knows how to read the word eyes now along with all the other words.  He is able to sing, by memory, more songs and some even from the radio.
ADVENTURES-  Parker has become my destroyer!  He is a lot more to handle then his older brother was at his age.  He thinks when he gets in trouble its funny, so I do not know how I'm going to handle this kid as he gets older.   He doesn't like to listen at all and when you say "don't", he makes more of an effort to do it.  He is my cuddle buddy tho, when dad cant be.  He loves to be held all the time.  If I could he would want me to hold him all day long.  He loves to play with mommy and daddy.  He doesn't care too much for older brother sometimes, because brother can get carried away and be a little rough when horse playing around!  He likes watching the A,B, C's video, just like Brayden, and gets so excited when a new letter comes up each time.  He doesn't watch TV too much, but will watch a very few shows.  He likes all his aunts to hold him and cuddle, he's lady's man! I finally buzzed his hair and he doesn't look like a baby anymore!  He likes to ride bikes and is always trying to escape outside.  He still is a early to bed and early to rise baby.  He takes one 2-3 hour naps, which is good because now both boys will take naps at the same time and give me some hours of peace lol.  He still loves to cuddle with stuff animals and real animals too. He loves to give kisses!  He mainly will only eat meat, but he will eat some bread and fruits.  He wont even eat mash potatoes and gravy without having a bit a meat with it.  He will mainly only drink milk too.  I try to give him juices and water.  He will drink a little, but later whines until he gets his milk.
GROWTH-  He is 30 1/2 in tall and 20lbs.  He still hasn't gotten any more teeth in yet.
ACHIEVEMENTS-  He folds his arms all on his own when saying prayer.  He is starting to say ball, bye bye, and poop lol.  He is getting pretty good with a spoon and fork while feeding himself.  He actually is getting to the point that he will only eat if he feeds himself, but he still loves making a mess all over the floor instead of of eating it.  He still likes to drink out of bottle, but at the same time will drink out of a sippy cup.

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