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Saturday, November 10, 2012

...All Oooooctober's eve!!!!

Crockett's Adventures!!

Joshua and I-  This month has been totally opposite of last month, it's been very busy!  Josh has decided to be more pesty ( I guess you can call it)!  He has been constantly starting water, soapy or tickling fights!!  I know I was the one that always started them when we were first together, but he didn't like the messy fights (water,food,and etc) very much so I stopped starting them!! It's been a while since we've had any of those fights!  I think deep down inside he did like them and that's why he's starting them!!  Josh worked from the 1st of the month straight till the 10th of the month, so he could have all the time he wanted off for vacation and hunting!  He saved up his vacation time too!  We left Oct 11th and headed for Pocatello where we stayed for the rest of the month!!  I know its not far from where we live, but we got to spend it with his family and we don't get to see them very much.  We got to go the the Black and Blue bowl (highland vs Pocatello football), which is a big event for the schools!  I love going to the games in Pocatello, because besides being able to watch some football I also get to have their yummy ice cream!!  I love the ISU dome's ice cream!! We celebrated Allison's birthday a little early, so everyone could be there before they headed up hunting and  see grandpa and grandma Burrell before they head down to AZ for the winter.  We weren't able to stay that long, because we were heading up to stay with my friend (Tristian) for a few days in Idaho Falls.  Josh only stayed one night because the next day he was heading off hunting.  The boys and I stayed with Tristian for four days!  I was nice to be able to hang out her for that long, because I missed her so much and don't get to see her hardly at all!!!  We went to the singles ward with her on Sunday and it was different lol!  The boys were actually really good, maybe the fact that they had sacrament first and early in the morning, that my boys were to tired still to be rowdy!  The ward was great about it too.  All the ladies stole my kids in each meeting, so I had no kids to look after!  We got back to Pocatello on the 16th of Oct and we stayed at grandma and grandpa Crockett's house the rest of the time.  Josh and his dad got back from hunting on the 23rd.  I was so happy because I was missing my hubby very much.  That was the longest time we've been apart.  Josh got a Buck 4x4, and an Bull Elk 4x5 and his dad got a spike Buck lol.  They had fun tho, they were hunting with his cousin and friend/ co-worker Wells.  A couple of my friends, sister (Keshia) and I had a girls day out, while my hubby watched the kids.  We went to Olive Garden then to the Blackfoot Corn Maze!  It was so much fun, I loved it and wish we could do it more often!  We were able to have two family nights of fun and dinner with all of Josh's family.  It was nice being able to see each other that much.  Also us girls ( mom, Allison, Chelsie, Nicholeya and me) had a girls pamper night, while the boys were hunting!  We watched Sunday night football, gave ourselves manicures, painted our nails, facials, and ate a bunch of goodies!  It was the first time we've done anything like that all together and it was a blast. We also had a friends night out!  We went over to my friend Ginger's house and hung out/played games with friends.  We went with Chelsie and Practor trick or treating down in old town Pocatello and the mall for Halloween.  We visited Allison for a bit and later all of us met up at Mom and dad's house to take a Halloween pics of all the kids.  It was nice to celebrate Halloween with his family finally and who knows if we will be able to do that again anytime soon.  Halloween night we went over to my friend Tiffany's house to watch scary movies with friend, while grandpa and grandma watched the kids sleep.  All the other days we just hung out with Julie and Gene relaxing and having a great time.   My boys and I would go for walks to the park some afternoons when it was warm too!  I would let Brayden rid his bike and Parker walk while holding my hand all the way there. We left for home on Nov 1st, it was weird leaving because it almost seemed like we've moved back to Pocatello.


Adventures-  He loved being in Pocatello.  He got to play with his cousin Jackson more then ever and he loved having some else to play with.  He even was wrestling with Jackson, which after a while Jackson wanted to stop lol.  Brayden can over do it sometimes, which explains why Parker doesn't like it either lol.  Every time cousin Practor was around Brayden would give him toys to play with and sit by him on the floor when watching a show.  When he saw Remington, he would go oh a baby and would just look/ watch him!  He loved playing with grandpa and grandma's dogs too!  He was always following and calling for them.  He still does even tho were home now. He loved playing with grandpa and grandma too.  He got to go to the Black and Blue bowl with mommy, daddy, grandpa, and aunt Allison.  He loves football!  He was so funny! He yelled loud and more then anyone there!  Always yelling "Go football", "get them", "go go", he even would boo too and Aunt Allison taught him to yell "defense"!  His eyes were wide open, arms in the air and watching the game the whole time!  He didn't want to play around just watch the game and eat some good food.  He was woody for Halloween and loved his costume.  When we first tired to put it on him, he screamed the entire time and tried pulling it off.  Then we put in Toy Story to watch after that he loved his costume!  He even would leave the hat on and say "Heehaw"!  When we went on walks to the park, Brayden was really good about staying by mom while riding his bike.  If he would get to far a head he would stop till we caught up and he never would try to go in the road.

Achievements-  He is about the same with his learning.  He is talking even better.  He potting training seem to be doing good some days and some days not so good.  There are some days he just wont go in the potty for me.  He has learned how to say everyone names now.  He didn't before because he didn't see his Crockett family enough for the name to stick before we would leave for home.  He calls Parker, Gene most of the time.  Every once in a while He'll call him Parker Gene, but never just Parker

Growth/Habits-   He is 28lbs and 36 1/2in tall!!!  He still is a picky eater and doesn't eat hardly any meat at all! He is becoming more of a vegetarian everyday and eats pretty healthy.  When we went to Pizza Pie Cafe, he didn't want any pizza just mom's salad!  If you tried to hid a piece of meat in with his food, he could still tell and spit it out.  He's getting better at sharing too.  


Adventures-   He loved playing with the grandpa Crockett a lot.  Every morning once he woke up he would want grandpa to hold and snuggle all day!  He liked playing with the dogs too, actually its more like act like the dogs.  He would get on his hands and knees and lick up the water out of the dog dish.  We ended up having to keep the water and dog food back in the back room to keep him out of it.  He was into everything, but that's my Parker.  The more you told him no the more he did it.  Grandma ended up duck taping every cupboard and more things to keep him out of things lol!!  He like playing with Practor when he came over, but also like stealing his toys and pacifier!   He like playing with Jackson and Brayden.  He would chase after them trying to keep up with them just like most little brothers do.  He kept trying to play with baby Remington but wasn't able to of course lol!  He was really good about holding mommy's hand every time we went on walks to the Park, which was really surprising to me.  He was Buzz for Halloween.  I was surprised he didn't try to take off the hat part of his costume, but he didn't try at all.  He actually liked his costume and wanted to wear it all the time.  Brayden called him Buzz all day and not Parker Gene!  He was a little pill while trick or treating.  He kept wanting to walk by himself, but wouldn't hand on to anyone's hand.  We carried him most of the time, but when he got too wiggly we would put him down.  We would try to hang on to his hand, but every time we would he would go limb and not walk until we let go.  Then he would get up fast and try to run away.

Achievements-  He is starting to say some more words now.  He says baba, dada, mama, football, drink,and eat.  He climbs everything and can go down the stairs correctly on his belly, so he doesn't fall.  When he is poopy, he'll come to me, plug his nose and say stinky!

Growth/Habits-  He is 32in tall and 21lbs.  He likes to get into everything and be held all the time.  He is worse then his brother. He is scared of mask.  He eats all meats and mainly meats!  

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