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Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Plan!

   Well as most young married couples do, we had to decide on our careers and planning it out!  Josh only had one year of college!  We decided I would work full time while he got his schooling done, then I could finish my schooling!  In May 2009 Joshua graduated from the ISU Law enforcement academy!  I've always been proud of my husband in his career choice!  Yes, I did have my concerns of being a officers wife and the risks that were involved, but he loves his job!   We could not have done it without his parents help and to that I am greatful!  They let us stay with them until he graduated and found a job!  In July of 2009 he finally had a job, but it also meant moving away as well!  I had no doubt that he would find a job soon, because Josh always gave 100% in job and schooling!  He was one of the best shooters in his class and still is at his job, which makes me feel even more safe and restless! 

    We also had one other big decision KIDS!  Josh wanted kids right away, but as for me not as much!  I still wanted time to ourselves, to travel, get financially squared, and to finish my schooling!  Yeah you can say I was a little selfish on my part wanting other thing!  As we all have to learn in married life, you need to compromise, so I did!  We decided we would not try to have a kid, but at the same time we would not try to keep it from happening!  When it happened it happened!  Once Josh had a job he decided that maybe we should hold off on having kids for right now and at least get finiacally squared!  Well we decided to wait, but then....... BAM.... I was pregnant!  I had gone in for a check up, in June, for a sis that burst and it was causing my cycles to be all messed up.  I had never had one before and the doc gave me a certian birth conrol so I would not get them anymore.  I was suppose to start taking them on my next cycle and come back in 6 weeks for another check up!  Well on Aug 10, 2009, we went in for my check up.  The doc ask how I was doing on the birth control and I said "I had not started them yet because I had had my next cycle yet!  He said " um" and left!  A little later he came back in and said "Its positive, congrats"!  I was kinda in shock!  I was nervous and excited at the same time, but mainly nervous!  Josh said I turned white and looked like I was going to faint lol!  Apparently someone else decided differently for us, which I'm glad to this day!  Yes we would of loved to have gotten finiacally squared away, but Heavenly Father had a different plan for us and all we got to do is trust in him!  He is the only one that knows whats best for us and is trying to strengthen us! I know in the end we will be great as long as we trust in him!

Brayden 11 weeks

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