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Monday, February 18, 2013


December/Christmas 2012

     This month my hubby and I celebrated our 4yr anniversary!  It was difficult for us to get the opportunity to celebrate it too!  We had a wedding, sick kids, his job, his work trainings, and Christmas to work around.  We were able to work things out except being able to attend a wedding or celebrate our anniversary.  We decided to be less selfish lol and go to the wedding :)! Our wonderful luck striked again, our little Parker got really sick the night before the wedding, so we didn't go to the wedding.  I told my hubby to go, but he didn't want to go without me.  I eventually convinced him to go to he reception with our Brayden and I would stay home with little Parker!  He wasn't able to stay long unfortunately due to the weather and travel.  We started to try and get our own place, but we kept striking out every time.  Then we had a fraud issue at the end of the month and lost around $1000, we will never get that money back either.  We struggled all the way till the beginning of Feb before we were above water again.  Our luck was on the poor side this month of all months.  I was feeling really beat down and didn't think it could get any worse.  Later on that month I went visiting teaching, and I visit teach the most wonderful ladies.  Two of them were/are fighting cancer.  They are so optimistic and are the most up beat people even through all the horrible things they go through daily. They never let anything get them down and yet still find time to help other.  I know that I was meant to be there to visit teach them, but for me not them.  I went home thinking I have it so easy compared to them who am I to complain.  If they can keep going so can I.  They have been such an inspiration in my life.  I'm am grateful everyday for them and hope that I can be an amazing woman like them!
     Josh was able to get a whole week off for Christmas using his vacation time, It was great and much needed time to get away.  We spent most of the vacation time in Pocatello with his parents and siblings.  It was the first time, ever since right after we got married, that we were able to spend Christmas with his family. We did  miss being able to spend time with my nieces and nephews that came down to Burley to spend it with my family.  As usual tho we drew names with my entire family.  We took our gifts from others with us to Pocatello and did a conference call with my family in Burley and New Mexico to guess who had each others names.  Brayden and Parker both got a 9v four wheeler, clothes, tons of trucks and toys, and movies.  Josh and I got a flat screen 42" TV for Christmas from Santa ;)!  Josh got a bunch of xbox games, movies, shirts, pants, and hunting stuff.  I got movies, the entire TV series of Stargate, different kinds of house decorations (from Allison, Chelsie, and Tiffany), dolphin pocket watch (from ginger), shirts, pants, jewelry, perfume, two different kinds of the game Clue (my favorite game in the world) and a blue tooth.  My sister's cursed my hubby for getting me the game Clue lol, because they knew they would have to play it with me lol!  We had a great time in Pocatello.  I also got to see and spend some time with my friends Ginger and Tiffany.  I also went to a girls night Christmas party with a bunch of friends.  It was so much fun and I hadn't act that stupid/silly in so long I almost forgot what it was like and I didn't come home till 1am lol!  I thanked my hubby so much for watching the kids and letting me have that time with my friends.  I was hoping to spend some time with my sister-in-laws and mother before I went to the party but we had to wait for my cousin to bring us our gifts to take with us.  So I wasn't able to because we left a lot later than I was planning.  We had a yummy Christmas brunch with Josh's family and opened gifts that morning with everyone.  Later that day we left for Burley and was able to eat Christmas dinner with my family.  Lets just say we were stuffed for a couple of days lol! 
     The day after Christmas it snowed a lot and it was one of those big snowflake no wind snow fall.  I love when it snows like that, because its not cold hardly at all and a lot more fun to play in.  So of course, Josh and I took the boys outside to play that day with their new 9v four wheelers and new snowsuits.  They loved it and we also had a snowball fight, of course everyone gained up on mommy for some reason.  The night before New Years eve my little Brayden got a 48 hour flu bug.  He was throwing up all night till morning and half of it was just dry heaving since he didn't have anything left in him.  The next day he still couldn't eat because he's stomach still was upset, but by the next day after that he was doing good.  But, the night of New Years eve Josh, Parker, and myself got what Brayden had and we were all up.  So I went 2 days with no sleep.  I was one very tired mommy and we weren't able to make it to the Crockett reunion because we were all sick!  We had a roller coaster ride for December, it was either really good or really bad, we had no in between lol!

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