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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The beginning of Summer 2013 (June)

 Crockett Adventures
       Now that we've been moved into our new home the boys and I had started a routine.  We get ready for the day and at 11am we walk to the park (well I walk and push them in the stroller), which is a half mile away.  They don't have any grass planted around us yet because they are planning on building more apartments next to us.  Also, this way I can get somewhat of an exercise and the boys can get out of the apartment. They love going to the Park. Josh has started summer school and is staying way ahead of his assignment so far.  He is taking a math and his last English class (which is the hardest class for him right now).  Josh and I hang out with Candi and David Wells and family often.  We have double dates with them and my sister Mickela has become our babysitter.  They come over at least once a week, have dinner with us, and watch a movie or play some games.  We started going swimming at the local pool with the boys.  I wanted to start them in swim lessons but they have to be able to stand in 3ft of water without help or any problems.  Parker can barley stand in 3ft but cant walk around without help :/. For my Birthday we went to Derky's lake and hung out with my family, then later that night had dinner with family and friends.  I love swimming in lakes.  For some reason I have a hard time adjusting to cold pool water, but I have not problem swimming in cold lakes!  I also started teaching my little brother how to dive.  We were excited to have Josh's family (Allison, Alex, Xavier, Mom and Dad) visit us a couple of times in our new home. My Brother finally married my new sister-in-law, Jenny, this month and I'm so happy for them.  On the 22nd I took a pregnancy test, because I was a week late.  It came back positive, I was pregnant too.  My hubby has been wanting me to have another baby and so have other family and friends.  I didn't want to have all my kids really spaced out. I wanted them about 2 yrs apart.  This way we wont be so old when the kids grow up or I wont have a chance of having problems with being older and pregnant at the same time (as it seems to happen in my family).  We decided we would try this year just to stick to the plan, but I couldn't decide if I was ready to handle another baby as much as I wanted another one.  I mean my boys are a handful.  My sisters even go crazy when trying to deal with them by themselves mainly because they're such busy bodies lol.  So I compromised with my hubby I told him I would give him 2 months out of this whole year to see if  I would get pregnant.  We wouldn't try but we wouldn't not try at the same time. If it was meant to be it would happen, if not  then we would wait till next year.  As you can see it happened and I will be due March 1, 2014 (I figured anyways).  We decided we wouldn't tell anyone until we seen the doctor tho, which is for Aug 1st.  It was really hard to hold our tongues too, but we did.  Also we didn't know how some of our family would take our news of us having another kid already.  I know people these days are like you need space your kids and not have so much.  It just the way it is in society now.  We didn't want the negative when we had just found out and were happy about it.  We wanted time to enjoy the moment without the negative thoughts or words from others right now.  To give us time to build a wall so when were heard the negativity it would just bounce right off us and not bother us.  Josh and I were able to go on a date by ourselves to twin where we did go karts, mini golf, pool, and eat pizza. It was all free too, because it was an event for all law enforcement.

The Boys

Brayden and Parker are two opposite little boys.  They had a hard time getting use to each other in our new home.  They don't have as much space as they did when we lived with my grandparents out in the country area.  They fought a lot because they didn't know how to handle the other in their space.  Brayden does like having his own room now.  He shows it really bad.  He acts like he owns it and will tell you to get out. When he is mad, sad, or just wants to play alone he'll go to his room and shut the door.  Parker started sleeping in his own bed all the time now.  Only when he wake up in the night crying, because he's scared does he come sleep with us.  He is still on the bottle.  I don't know how to get him off.  He only wants it when its time to sleep at night and naps, or when he wants to cuddle.  Parker seems to get into everything even more now, because he doesn't have a lot of room to explore or roam.  Its like he gets so bored really easy and that's why he likes going to the Park the most.  Brayden will have days where he just wants to be lazy and do nothing/ go anywhere.  Now that it is starting to get hotter I decided, that besides Sundays, we would take a break in the middle of the week from the Park.  Parke seems to know that we need leave and is coming to me and saying "Go".  Now that we go to the Park Brayden and Parker have gotten to swing and go down slides more.  They were both terrified of swinging and a little scared of going down the slide. After about a week of going to the park Brayden loved to swing so much that I have to do an under doggie to get him high enough, but Parker still is scared and has to have me hold him and swing together.  They both love to slide.  Parker loves it so much he'll slide head first and on his belly.  Brayden will slide down on his belly sometimes too.  Parker is my wonder/ explorer.  He likes to wonder around the park, climb on top/ up of everything and as high as he can go.  He even walks around the tennis court area just to wonder.  Brayden is my calm kid.  He stays by mom and plays.  Whenever he sees Parker wondering off, he'll say " Mom, Parker going away, get him"!  Parker cant get away with anything while having Brayden as an older brother.  Brayden is always telling to me to have Parker go to bed when Parker has done something bad, and saying "Parker's trouble" lol!  They both love taking baths so much sometimes they take them up to three times a day, but always a least once a day.  They also love going swimming.  Parker use to hate even getting near a swimming pool he would scream bloody murder, but now his is the exact opposite.  He wants to go on his own even in the big pools, trying to swim like everyone else.  He hate being restricted.  Brayden has always loved swimming since he was a tiny baby.   When the boys get bored they like to use me as a playground and climb all over me.  We also started going to a new ward and I was afraid how the boys would handle being without me.  They've always been with me since the day they were born because I was the nursery leader and this was the first time without me.  The first Sunday was good they had no problem what so ever.  Then the second Sunday came and Parker didn't want me to leave.  I've learned that once he starts playing with the toys I need to leave as quick as possible.  If he saw me at all he would start crying and want his mom, but as long as he didn't he never cries.  Brayden on the other hand is the opposite.  I cant get him to leave church.  When its time to go I have to drag him all the way out to the truck.  He'll hang onto the doors, sides of the walls, and anything he can grip to keep from leaving.  Its hard on the Sundays when I'm by myself, because Parker is trying to run away to go to the truck and Brayden doesn't want to leave. I end up having to take Parker to the truck and then go get Brayden, but only once in a while.  We've had to get use to trains coming through, because we live right next to the train tracks.  Whenever the boys hear a train they have to go to the window and watch it till its gone.  I have my first instance of Brayden using permanent marker all over the bathroom door and wall for the first time.  Ya I was not happy. Both my boys love to help me clean around the house.  They both like to help load the dryer, washing machine, dish washer, help me sweep (they usually will hold the dust pan for me), and help vacuum.  Its too bad I can't get them to do the laundry too, but instead make a bigger mess of the laundry when I try to do it. Brayden is good about throwing away things in the garbage and putting dirty dishes in the sink all on his own.  I never force them to help with cleaning the rest of the house, I simple ask them if they will help.  Every time they want to help and I praise them every time they do help. When it comes to cleaning their room Brayden is the biggest helper.  Parker will hand me things for a little while, but then gets uninterested and wont help.  Sometimes they don't finish, because they totally refuse to clean the little bit that's left.  I try not to force them too much, because I know if you push to hard then they will totally stop cleaning all together. I thank them for what they do clean, and tell them they did a good job.  Most of the time Brayden will finish cleaning the rest.  We started working on Brayden's potty training a lot more now that we have our own place and can let him go without a diaper to help him.  He is starting to get better about peeing in the potty but still not pooping.  Parker is the biggest mommy's boy there is out there.  He loves to snuggle and give loves. Brayden is very thoughtful of his little brother.   Whenever  he gets a candy or anything.  He always asks where's one for Parker. Brayden doesn't like to give kisses on the lips and will only give you a kiss on the cheek.  If you try to give a kiss on the lips, he'll turn your head and give you a kiss on the cheek lol.  Parker is getting big, as Brayden says "Parker is bigger than me"!  He isn't quite bigger than Brayden.  They weight about the same Brayden only weights 2 lbs more than Parker, but Brayden is about 4in taller than Parker.  Parker is tall,very bulky and sold. As everyone says he's going to be a big kid. Where as Brayden is tall and skinny. We love our boys so much and wouldn't have them any other way.

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