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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Starting off with a bang of an New Year

  Jan-Feb 2013

      Our year started with all of us being sick with the stomach flu, yeah for us lol!  January was the hardest month of all our years together.  It really tested us in so many ways.  Due to the fraud we were not able to pay certain bills, because all our money from his checks were going to the bank.  The banked worked with us tho.  They allowed us to have $400 from each check.  It was hard to decide which bills to pay and which ones to make a late payment next month (with the chances of them being canceled).  We knew for most that the kids were first.  We made sure they had all the diapers, food and things they needed.  Some days all we had to eat was cereal and peanut butter sandwiches.  This and helping my grandparents our financially also put a big hold on moving into our own house.  I guess heavenly father knew this was going to happen and that's why we never got any of the houses in December. I can't imagine the state we would of been in if we were had just got a house and this happened too.  It was hard, but I guess this trial was made to help us budget better and reminded us things to be more grateful for in life.  There are so many others out in the world and our own country that go without even less than we did.  I just so grateful for our family and the love we have for each other.  I'm also grateful for my husbands and his job.  He worked extra hours in hope to help us out of this situation.  On top of it He started school the third week of January.  He is amazing and I'm so grateful to have such an amazing man in my life.  I know there were nights/days he was so exhausted and I just wish I was more of a help for him.  We talked about me going back to work and I applied for some jobs, but there is just no jobs for what I could work with us only having one vehicle.  We were hoping that we would get his school money to help us out, but CSI doesn't give out the extra money till the week after school starts.  So we didn't receive his school money till the last day of the month.  We only received half of it too and they said we wouldn't receive the rest of it till the end of March.  I really don't understand why they do that, but I guess they have their reasons.  It still helped we were able to pay up on all our bills and more.  The cloud of smoked had cleared and we could breath fresh air again. 
     Our bad luck didn't stop tho, around the middle of the month I got really sick with everything you could think of.  I was so not happy because I got sick a couple of days right before most of my siblings, nieces, and nephews were going to be down that weekend.  When were all together we never sleep. We're all up playing game, watching movies and just having fun all day and night.  I how ever couldn't join them the entire time.  I tried to stay clear so I wouldn't get any of them sick, but I was able to play a couple of game here and there.  We'll I didn't get any of them sick, but I did get my kids and hubby sick.  We came to find out that this virus we all had was dangerous for little kids.  It acts like just a cold, but it never goes away.  There was a little girl that died from it in our area.  All of us had it for three weeks, except my hubby because he went into the Doctor once he started having signs for it.  There is no specific drug either for it, it is a guessing game to see which drug would work.  It was something new the doctors were seeing going around.
     February started out a little better than January.  The only bad thing was the boys were still really sick.  My sister-in-law had her baby shower and I did the games for it.  I had a lot of fun, but wished we would of been able to stay up in Pocatello with family for Superbowl weekend.  I just ended up driving up that day with my sister Desi and after the shower drive right back home.  I didn't want to stay too long with my boys being sick.  Josh took off work to stay home with the boys, so I could go, which I was so grateful.  He does so much for me/us sometimes I wonder how he does it.  He is my superhero!!!   At times I look back and think "wow, I really don't show him how much I appreciate him and need to do better!"  The second week of February all of us were feeling all better again and haven't gotten sick again yet (crossing my fingers)!  Josh and I were able to go out on a double date with some friends.  We stayed in Twin Falls overnight and went shopping for some clothes for the boys and a little for us.  It was nice to get out and get away and leave the worries all behind for a little bit.  We didn't have much worrying anymore, all except Josh's school work.  Josh is doing really good with school, right now he has all A's and one B.  I'm glad that I can at least help take off some stress for him by helping him with his homework.  I mainly help him with math and English, but once in a while I'll help with art history.  I have started working out doing Insanity with my sisters.  I am determined to get some of this weight off by summer time, but hopefully I can do this for longer.  We also got to visit/spend time with my sisters, nieces and nephews again and this time for a lot long than normal, it was nice.
          My little boys are getting so big so fast.  We have our routine every morning and if I try to do something different they are grouchy for some reason.  First thing in the morning they get up and want to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  They watch it till I have breakfast ready, then we eat.  After its baths and getting ready for the day.  As long as the mornings are in that order the day goes by peachy.  Brayden is my little boss.  He will tell Parker no, when he's getting into something he's not suppose to be into, and tell him to go to the corner.  If Parker doesn't do what he says Brayden will come tell me that Parker needs to go to the corner or bed.  He has become a clean freak.  He cant stand anything on his hands, face, toys, or clothes.  If anything get on them he'll come straight to me and tell me to was them.  He won't eat anything with his hands, because he doesn't like them dirty.  He'll ask/tell one of us to feed him.  Its sometimes a problem because I can't always feed him and most of the time he only wants me to do it.  I've been telling him no and to eat it himself, but he is just as stubborn as I am.   I sometime don't know what to do about it.  Even when Brayden has a runny nose he'll come to me and say he needs to blow his nose.  He's really good at blowing his noses and he doesn't stop till he has it all out lol.  He is very obedient kid.  He does what he is told and doesn't get into anything he knows he's not suppose to get into.  He still loves taking long baths/showers.  He still isn't potty trained.  I just cant get him to do it.  He just doesn't want to do it. I know if you force him he wont ever do it on his own.  So I guess I'm going to have to be patient and wait for him to come around.  He has gotten a little better about eating meats, but not much he'll eat every thing else. He wont drink milk at all unless its chocolate milk, but only once in a while.  He mainly will just drink juice or Kool Aid.   Brayden has gotten to were he likes giving hugs and kisses but only kisses on the cheek.  He has lately been really clingy to mommy.  He wants to be held a lot, carried up the stairs, and have mommy sit and watch a movie with him, but most of the time he's a daddy's boy.  That's why it has been so surprising to me that he wants me a lot. He loves to paint, read, wrestle around (as he says you want to fight lol and no he didn't get that from daddy, but my sisters!), and draw too.  He is 37 1/2" tall and weights 29lbs! He has a lot of movies and shows he likes, it just depends on what mood he is in depending on what he will want to watch.  His favorites of all time are "Cars", "Kung Fu Panda", "Happy Feet 2", "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse", "Little Einsteins", "Barnyard", and "Megamind"!  He still is my night owl, but I've gotten him to start going to be around 9:30ish in stead of 11pm, that is if he doesn't have a late or long nap.  He is good about taking medicine and brushing his teeth.  He still have a fixation on his same pillow and blanket, which is funny because his blanket is actually a blanket I got from his Aunt Allison for Christmas one year.   Parker is totally opposite of Brayden.  He is my cuddle gentle and crazy baby.  He gets into everything and climbs everything.  If you tell him no, he will still do it and it doesn't faze him one bit when he gets into trouble.  He thinks its funny and I don't know what to do with him.  He loves to give hugs and kisses.  He doesn't hit or mean unless he is rough housing with dad and brother.  He is a BIG mommy's boy.  He wants mommy for everything and only mommy can make things better.  He thinks jumping up and falling on his tummy or bum it funny.  He also thinks hitting his head on things is funny too.  This little guy is crazy and he gives me heart attacks everyday. Anything that seems/looks dangerous to do he tries to do it and thinks its funny!  He doesn't care for much TV.  He'll sit and watch a little, but after a little bit he's up getting into things.  He hides everything, if you cant find something its mostly he got a hold of it and put it in a cupboard somewhere throughout the house and behind everything.  After a couple of weeks tho he usually gets it out lol.  I've found everything you can think of shoes, toys, toothbrushes, canned goods, jars, clothes, dads wallet and etc in the cupboards throughout the house. He is obsessed with shoes, every morning right after he wakes up he runs and grabs his shoes wanting me to put them on.  If I take his clothes off he still has to have his shoes on. He is getting better with stay words and telling us what he wants, which I'm loving.  He still takes a bottle when going to sleep.  He doesn't really drink out of it, I think its mainly for his teeth.  He still is teething quit a bit.  He has 8 teeth total and the rest are coming in at once right now.  He hates brushing his teeth and taking medicine.  He's really good about eating his meals.  He does not like being fed at all.  He has to do it himself.  I am having a hard time getting him to use utensils.  The only time he'll use a spoon is when eating oatmeal or mash potatoes.  He really doesn't like drinking anything but water and milk (mainly milk).  He also hates pools.  We try to get him into the pool, but all he does is pick up his feet and scream until his is totally out of the room/area of the pool.  Funny thing is tho he loves baths and showers.  He is just a weird kid lol!  He is catching up to his brother in size tho.  He is 34" tall and 25lbs, he is starting to get a belly too lol!  Oh I love my boys!

Monday, February 18, 2013


December/Christmas 2012

     This month my hubby and I celebrated our 4yr anniversary!  It was difficult for us to get the opportunity to celebrate it too!  We had a wedding, sick kids, his job, his work trainings, and Christmas to work around.  We were able to work things out except being able to attend a wedding or celebrate our anniversary.  We decided to be less selfish lol and go to the wedding :)! Our wonderful luck striked again, our little Parker got really sick the night before the wedding, so we didn't go to the wedding.  I told my hubby to go, but he didn't want to go without me.  I eventually convinced him to go to he reception with our Brayden and I would stay home with little Parker!  He wasn't able to stay long unfortunately due to the weather and travel.  We started to try and get our own place, but we kept striking out every time.  Then we had a fraud issue at the end of the month and lost around $1000, we will never get that money back either.  We struggled all the way till the beginning of Feb before we were above water again.  Our luck was on the poor side this month of all months.  I was feeling really beat down and didn't think it could get any worse.  Later on that month I went visiting teaching, and I visit teach the most wonderful ladies.  Two of them were/are fighting cancer.  They are so optimistic and are the most up beat people even through all the horrible things they go through daily. They never let anything get them down and yet still find time to help other.  I know that I was meant to be there to visit teach them, but for me not them.  I went home thinking I have it so easy compared to them who am I to complain.  If they can keep going so can I.  They have been such an inspiration in my life.  I'm am grateful everyday for them and hope that I can be an amazing woman like them!
     Josh was able to get a whole week off for Christmas using his vacation time, It was great and much needed time to get away.  We spent most of the vacation time in Pocatello with his parents and siblings.  It was the first time, ever since right after we got married, that we were able to spend Christmas with his family. We did  miss being able to spend time with my nieces and nephews that came down to Burley to spend it with my family.  As usual tho we drew names with my entire family.  We took our gifts from others with us to Pocatello and did a conference call with my family in Burley and New Mexico to guess who had each others names.  Brayden and Parker both got a 9v four wheeler, clothes, tons of trucks and toys, and movies.  Josh and I got a flat screen 42" TV for Christmas from Santa ;)!  Josh got a bunch of xbox games, movies, shirts, pants, and hunting stuff.  I got movies, the entire TV series of Stargate, different kinds of house decorations (from Allison, Chelsie, and Tiffany), dolphin pocket watch (from ginger), shirts, pants, jewelry, perfume, two different kinds of the game Clue (my favorite game in the world) and a blue tooth.  My sister's cursed my hubby for getting me the game Clue lol, because they knew they would have to play it with me lol!  We had a great time in Pocatello.  I also got to see and spend some time with my friends Ginger and Tiffany.  I also went to a girls night Christmas party with a bunch of friends.  It was so much fun and I hadn't act that stupid/silly in so long I almost forgot what it was like and I didn't come home till 1am lol!  I thanked my hubby so much for watching the kids and letting me have that time with my friends.  I was hoping to spend some time with my sister-in-laws and mother before I went to the party but we had to wait for my cousin to bring us our gifts to take with us.  So I wasn't able to because we left a lot later than I was planning.  We had a yummy Christmas brunch with Josh's family and opened gifts that morning with everyone.  Later that day we left for Burley and was able to eat Christmas dinner with my family.  Lets just say we were stuffed for a couple of days lol! 
     The day after Christmas it snowed a lot and it was one of those big snowflake no wind snow fall.  I love when it snows like that, because its not cold hardly at all and a lot more fun to play in.  So of course, Josh and I took the boys outside to play that day with their new 9v four wheelers and new snowsuits.  They loved it and we also had a snowball fight, of course everyone gained up on mommy for some reason.  The night before New Years eve my little Brayden got a 48 hour flu bug.  He was throwing up all night till morning and half of it was just dry heaving since he didn't have anything left in him.  The next day he still couldn't eat because he's stomach still was upset, but by the next day after that he was doing good.  But, the night of New Years eve Josh, Parker, and myself got what Brayden had and we were all up.  So I went 2 days with no sleep.  I was one very tired mommy and we weren't able to make it to the Crockett reunion because we were all sick!  We had a roller coaster ride for December, it was either really good or really bad, we had no in between lol!