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family pic

Monday, March 26, 2012

...... and then there were FOUR!

     I loved just spending so much time with Brayden and he being such a good baby!  He made me not to want any more kids, because I was so happy with just having him and wanted tons of time with just having time with him to myself!  Josh and I decided we would wait about 2-3 years before having another kid too and maybe by then I would be baby hungry for another one!

     Well as before our plans were not going to happen because other plans were planned for us!!!  Even tho we took a lot of precautions,  On Feb 10, 2011 I found out that I was pregnant again!  The couple previous months I thought I just had the flu but I guess not!  I didn't have morning sickness very bad, like I did with Brayden, that's why I didn't think of it!  After a while I just got this feeling and the thought came into my head!  At first I was like no way I cant be, but the feeling kept nagging at me so I took a test!  The test came out positive!  I was like no its wrong so I took another test and it came back the same!  I still was in denial so I took another one and the same results lol!  I finally gave in and excepted it!  I was so scared!  How was I going to be able to take care of two babies physically and financially?  I cried for a long time and when I told Josh, I punched him in the arm and told him it was his fault lol!  I didn't think I could do it, I mean two babies!!!!  All my worries made me despair, also that meant I wouldn't get as much time to myself with Brayden like I planned!  All of this was going through my head!  My wonderful husband just held me and told me everything was going to be great and in the end we're going to love it!  He's good like that and I'm thankful to have him!

    A week later we went to the doc and found out that I was 11 1/2 weeks pregnant!  I couldn't believe I was actually that far a long and I was due Aug 27, 2011!  As time progressed and I was able to feel my little one move again!  I fell in love and wasn't so sad anymore!  I loved the feeling just like I did with Brayden!  On April 14th we found out that we would be having another little boy and just like before I knew I was having another boy!  As much as I wanted a girl and hoped that I would be wrong!  I knew I wasn't and I was right again!  So we searched for another boy name to call him!  I was like were never going to find a name because Josh didn't like any of the hundred of names from last time!  Well it didn't take as long as I thought it would!  His name would be Parker Gene Crockett!  He was named after his grandpa Gene Crockett! 

Parker 11 1/2 weeks

Parker 19 weeks

    I became less worried and more happy as the pregnancy went a long!  I felt so guilty for feeling so sad for being pregnant again!  He was meant to be sent to me at this time and I love it!  I craved total opposite things with Parker, then I did with Brayden, all except the cheesy stuff!  I craved a lot of meat and very little fruit and veggies!  I also didn't have the gallbladder problem so I ate a lot more sweets then I did with Brayden!  So my little sister still working at DQ was wonderful lol! I asked for a lot more blizzards more often lol!  As time came closer to my due date, I noticed and felt a lot bigger with Parker then I did with Brayden!  I knew he was going to be a bigger baby!  Well 2 weeks before my due date, my blood pressure started to go up just like last time!  This time it started going up sooner!  The doc told me that it would happen this way and that every pregnancy it would probably get worse!  So about 5 days before my due date my blood pressure was too high, and the doc want to induce me that day, because it would cause damage to the baby if it continued!

   So on Aug 22 at 11 am I was induced!  They used a little device , which I've never heard of or seen, to help dilate me faster since it was only dilated to a one!  It hurt so bad but by 1 pm I was dilated to a 4! They took out the device and broke my water! They got me hooked up to everything and got my epidural in too!  So now the waiting game began again!  My sisters (Britt and Desi) and niece (Jenna) drove down from Boise right away!  My mother-in-law (Julie) and two sister- in- laws, Allison and Chelsie, came down too!  I also had my mother (Debbie) and my other sisters (Keshia and Mickela) there!  They all sat in the room with me and kept me company, until my monitor went off!  The nurse made them leave because my blood pressure went up and they wanted me to sleep/ rest!  By 7 pm I was finally dilated to a 7!  So we waited some more and every hour they would check me and I wasn't progressing any!  so at 11: 45 pm the doc came in and checked!  He told that we could keep waiting and see what happens, but in the end it could add more complications and stress on the baby!  He then said or we could go ahead and have a C-section and not take the risk!  As much as I didn't want a c-section, I didn't want anything to happen to my baby!  I didn't want to risk something happening to Parker like what happened to Brayden, but most of all I didn't want to go through the terrifying experience!  So I said to go ahead with the c-section! 

     They set everything up and at 12: 15 am started the c-section!  The whole time josh stayed by my side and I just kept looking at him!  It took everything he had not to cry and be strong I could tell!  He didn't like seeing me in this situation, cut open and it was just as scary for him as it was for me!   Finally, at 12:44 am we heard the cry of our new born son!  The reason why he wouldn't drop and I wouldn't dilate anymore is because Parker had the cord around his neck pretty good!  I don't know what the deal is with both my boys having to have the cord around their necks, but I'm glad I didn't wait any long else the same thing could of happened or worse!  Josh left with our baby while they fixed me up and took me back to our room!  Then I was able to finally hold my little Parker!  Everyone went home once they saw him, but weren't able to hold him yet until him temp went up!  Everyone except Allison and Chelsie, they stayed till they were able to hold him!  I stayed at the hospital for 2 days and the doc let me go a day early because I was doing so well!  Lets just say I pick having a baby naturally over a c-section anytime!  Hopefully this is my only one, but either way we had a healthy little boy!  Parker had the same problem as Brayden did!  His bilirubin was high and took 2 weeks before it went down!

Parker Gene Crockett: 7 lbs 9oz,  20 1/2in

Brayden meeting Parker for the first time and giving mommy kisses!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

From just Married to PARENTS!

   Once we found out we were expecting we went out to celebrate!  I still did not know what to think!  As time went on I got more excited and less nervous!  I loved feeling my little one move.  I would just like to sit still for a while just to feel the movements!  On November 18, 2009 we found out that we would be expecting a little boy!  Josh was really picky about boy names!  I had a whole paper front and back of boys names that I liked or were ok with and out of them all he only like one!  I knew I was having a boy from the beginning!  I would put headphones up to my belly and let him listen to the music!  Every time I did so he would move like crazy, like he was dancing! I craved all types of cheesy stuff : nachos, cheeseburgers, lasagna, mac and cheese, and cheesy white shells!  I could not eat hardly any meat; chicken was the worse and very little beef meats (like sausage, bacon, and hamburger), but small amounts if any!  The only one kind of meat that I never had a problem with was steak!  I also ate a lot of fruits and veg's!  I actually lost weight with this pregnancy, 20lbs!  I really enjoyed being prego, but with all joys comes the pain!  I had a gallbladder problem for pretty much 2/3 of my pregnancy, which was a pain!  That's probably why I also lost weight was because I couldn't eat a lot of sweet stuff like ice cream, any thing that was really creamy, and chocolate!  I did give in sometimes tho, hey I was pregnant lol, and my little sis worked a DQ, which probably did not help lol!  So whenever I would give in I would call her up at work and have her bring me a blizzard home lol!  The closer toward the end of the pregnancy we got the worse the pain became and right there at the end my blood pressure went high!

    At my last Ob app on April 1, 2010, we went in to check thing and to schedule when they would induce me!  We came home from my app around noon and I started to have bad cramping!  Around 1pm Josh told me to go relax and so we decided to go look things up on the computer! At 2pm Then cramping got worse so we decided to go lay down!  We headed out of the room and as I got to the door I felt a ton of water run down my legs!  I froze because I was pretty sure what had happened!  Josh noticed I was not following him and turned around!  He looked at my face and asked what was wrong!  I told him and he started acting like a chicken without a head lol!  My sisters were just outside and so he called them in and told them!  They thought we were pulling a April fools joke, but then realized we weren't when they saw the evidence!  We got things loaded and headed for the hospital!

7lbs 4oz  20 in
    They got everything set up and then the wait began!  I decided I wanted to have an epidural, because I'm a wimp lol!  I will always remember the labor part!  I started pushing, josh was counting, my mom on one side of me and My big sis, Britt up by my head on the other side!  The doc didn't give any warning and just said start pushing even with everyone in there!  I didn't realize that everyone was still in there because I was too focused on pushing!  I had my sisters there: Brittney, Desi, Keshia, my mom, and my best friend Tristian! Once they could see his head Josh started crying and could not continue counting because he was crying so much!  So a nurse took over for him!  Once our baby was out everyone was crying except my baby!  The cord was wrapped around his neck and that is why it took so long to get him here!  I remember the nurses taking him away, surrounding him, and working on him!  I was so scared and going out of my mind!  Everyone had their eyes on him and finally I heard this tiny little cry!  That was the longest time in my life and I'm so thankful that we have him!   They all stayed there till 2:44am on April 2, 2010 for the arrival of our son Brayden Joshua Crockett!


He was always wide eyed whe he was awake!