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Thursday, January 23, 2014

Holiday seasons 2013

Sept-Dec 2013
Crockett Adventures
  Well football season started and its one of my favorite times of the year.  Parker finds it funny to watch me watch football and Brayden now copies everything we do/say when watching football!  Josh started back to school for the fall semester, which always makes it harder.  He is taking Sociology, Spanish, History, and his last/final math class this semester too!  He was taking Spanish, but ended up dropping it toward the end of the semester.  It was really time consuming and he towards the end wasn't able to keep up with it. I didn't have to help him with math until the end either, and only helped him write his Sociology paper.  Other than that he did it all by himself!! All in all he at the end of the semester he had one A and two B's, I'm very proud of him!!  My sister, Desi, stayed with us most of the time while she was working a Denny's.  It was nice having her help with the boys, and house while I had morning sickness. We were able to celebrate Josh's brother birthday with his family in Pocatello.  We were also able to visit with my sister from Boise in Sept.  Josh went hunting with his dad close to the beginning of Oct. and Brayden wanted to go really bad with him.  Brayden kept grabbing Josh's stuff and trying to head out the door with him.  It wont be far down the road before Brayden will be able to go with his dad!!  Josh did take Brayden on a one day hunt in the desert, in our area, with his friend David Wells.  The boys went to a Declo football game with his grandparents, while Josh and I went on a date to the Albion Haunted Mansion, along with some friends and my sisters.   My hubby and sisters kept saying, "You better not go into labor, while going through here!" Lol! Lets just say being half way through my pregnancy and going through there was a workout!!  Besides all the stairs you have to climb, I had to crawl/ duck/ scoot through small spaces, yeah it was hard lol! I got to babysit one of my best friends baby girl for the first time.  Oh the boys loved her, maybe a little too much.  I took this as a little test run at what it might be like for when our little girl gets here.  At the end of Oct. we were able to go spend a week with Josh's family in Pocatello for Halloween.  I was able to go out on a girls night out with my mother-in-law (Julie), Ginger, Tristian, and Tiffany.  We went to the corn maze, dinner at Olive Garden, and ice cream!  I enjoyed and missed spending time with my friends, and was very grateful for Josh watching the boys while I went out.  This was the first year we actually took the boys house to house trick or treating.  Most of the time we just did trunk-or-treating with our church, family, and friends.  Wow, every house we went to the boys just wanted to go into the house to play, finally after a while they got the hang of things! 
    In Nov. Brayden had his first dental procedure done.  They were fixing a couple of cavities and had to sedate him.  I was really nervous, because I've never had to do this before and I wasn't sure how Brayden would handle it.  He was awesome through the whole procedure, that is until it was time to go.  He couldn't walk or anything from being sedated, but he kept trying to walk.  Every time he tried to walk he would fall straight to the floor.  The first couple of times it was funny, but after a while he started getting mad and was starting to hurt himself from the falls.  Josh ended having to sit and hold him tight (pretty much hog tying him down on his lap) for a couple of hours, so he wouldn't keep getting up until the drugs wore off some what enough for him to walk a little.  It was a nightmare, he screamed the entire time and would just keep getting madder and madder.   We were able to spend time with my sister and her kids for  her birthday!!  Thanksgiving was good, for the first time my sisters took over making all the pies!  We spent Thanksgiving with my side of the family, its always good to sit around and listen to all my uncles and cousins funny stories.  For Josh's birthday, I arranged the boys to stay with my sisters and grandparents,  while we had a night alone!  I cooked a steak dinner, watched movies, and ended up going to bed early.  I think this was a time for us just to catch up on some much needed sleep because we didn't wake up till 10am! Then later that next day we went out with some friend for dinner and then met up with my sisters and boys for some bowling!  Allison, Josh's sister, came to visit for a little bit one day.  She was having a horrible day and I was just lucky we were there to help her out.  We loved spending time with her and little Xavier!! We did Black Friday this year again, even though we really didn't want to, but there was one good deal we couldn't pass up that we wanted to get the boys for Christmas! As soon as Thanksgiving was over Josh had the Christmas stuff out.  Josh is a big Christmas decorating person, if it was up to him we would have Christmas stuff out at the beginning of November, but I am one of those people who wont even think about Christmas until after Thanksgiving.   
    December was a fun month for the most part.  They boys got their own big beds and love them.  They had to have the next to each other though lol.  Josh and I went to the Sheriff's holiday dinner,  It was so good,  I just wanted more and more of the steak.  They also had a dinner and Santa for the kids the next week, Santa even handed out a present for every kid! Brayden loved it and even went back for a second trip to Santa just to talk to him lol!  Parker on the other hand didn't really care much for it.  He didn't scream but he didn't really want to go either lol. Josh and I went on a little get away for our 5th Anniversary.  We didn't a lot of swimming, sleeping, eating and shopping lol!  We went down to Pocatello for a couple of days right before Christmas to spend some Christmas time with Josh's family.  I had a baking goodie night with my mother and sister -in-laws, while Josh spent time with the boys, his dad, and brother!  We had a nice family dinner with everyone!  Brayden and Parker didn't ever want to stop playing with their cousins and even days after would ask to go their houses!  We had some family drama right before Christmas, but kept pushing forward.  My sister and her kids stayed with us, for a week after Christmas until after New Years, visiting and have fun!  I loved it!  We haven't been able to spend that much time with all of them in almost a year. We had a late Christmas dinner with my family so we could have it with them.  All in all the Holiday seasons was good to us, with us only getting sick once!
The boys
  Brayden has become such a smart little boy.  He has the biggest imagination I know and he makes me laugh so much!!  He definitely is my entertainer.  For example,  On Halloween he had a conversation with daddy's pumpkin.  Daddy had made a scary face with sharp teeth pumpkin.  Brayden said the pumpkin bit him, gave the pumpkin a spanking, said "no bite" and then put him time out lol!!  He is very excited about mommy being pregnant!  He will come up and give my belly hugs and kisses, and say its for the baby.  He even want to hear the baby, so we took the boys to one of my OB appointments so he could listen to the baby.  His eyes got all big and jump up and down in joy once he heard the baby. He likes to be in charge and takes care of things.  He's such a big helper all the way around.  He still a skinny mini, but has a big appetite!  I wonder were it all goes sometimes.  He's been fully potty trained, even with having his bowl movement problems.  He's been able to adjust and handle his problem. 
  Parker is getting big fast.  He is a very tough little boy and loves to get into things.  He is my dare devil and my cuddly bear all rolled into one. He is still a big mama's boy.  He has to have mommy do everything for him, no one else can do it not even daddy!  If he hasn't seen me all day, once I get home he's stuck to me like glue!  He loves to cuddle and watch movies with me.  He loves all animals and wants to cuddle them all the time.  He's gotten to wear he doesn't take any crap from big brother and defends himself now. Brayden most the time wont pick on him, because Parker can pick on him back if not worse. The boys get along pretty good still.   They play really good together, some times too much for mommy. They have their moments they don't get along. Its mostly when their fighting over a toy or one is annoying the other.  They still do give each other hugs/ loves just for the heck of it though.  They love to wrestle, but Brayden is getting to were he doesn't like it as much because Parker always beats him lol! Parker is just a really tough kid.  Our Chiropractor even says and thinks so, he said "this kid is like 110% muscle"!  Parker still likes to take risk and do all sorts of stuff, like jumping off his dresser and etc.   This kid will end up giving me a heart attack I swear!
Baby update

   My morning sickness started to go away, but found out that I just couldn't eat hamburger, which was hard.  I ended up having to find new meals that I could eat and the boys would like. I craved chicken fried steak, salads, lemon filled donuts, tomatoes, tomatoes, and oh did I mention tomatoes.  I would want a big slice of tomato on everything and have tons in my salads! It had to be fresh whole tomatoes too, and not just foods with tomato sauce.  I didn't start having a sweet tooth until December though and only slightly, that's where my lemon filled donuts come in.  I had totally different pregnancy symptoms than I did with my boys.  Besides being really sick,  I had a sinus/ nasal problem, which I didn't know was a pregnancy symptom.  It caused me to have bloody noses, because the sinuses/ nasal is swollen and when I sneezed I would get a blood nose.  On the 2nd of Oct we found out that we would be having a baby GIRL!!!  Our appointment was at 7am and we took the boys with us so they could see the baby.  The ultrasound tech started with the head.  Once Brayden saw the baby's face, he said "Its a girl"! The tech said well lets see if big brother is right, and he was!!  When the tech typed "Girl", Josh was busy with Parker.  Parker could careless what we were doing, but just wanted to play and get into things.  When I finally got Josh's attention and told him to look. He still didn't know what I was talking about, and finally the tech said "your having a girl"!  Josh right then said, "can I go tell everyone"! I told him no that we would tell everyone together and told him he could take the boys out and get them some breakfast while I finished up with the ultrasound!   It was torture for Josh because I was another hour before I got done lol!!  We decided we want to tease everyone at first and say we were having another boy.  It was funny, the reactions we got were either they were bummed (but happy for us) or they teased us about having another boy!  Once we told them we were teasing but we were having a girl, they were all excited.  I think the funniest person reaction was Josh's mom!!