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family pic

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Sizzlen Summer 2013

Crockett Adventures-  At the beginning of the month my sister, Brittney, and her kids came to visit for the weekend. We all went over to the Heyburn Park to play some volleyball with the volleyball kit I got for my birthday.  When we got over there we found out the park was flooded, but we didn't let that stop us.  So we played water volleyball while the kids played in the water and playground. It was so much fun.  We also went down to Pocatello for Independence day and spent it with Josh's family.  We went to lunch with my friend Tiffany and her son.  Later that day we took family pictures and the boys did not do so good about taking pics.  It was a hassle just to get the pictures we got. That evening we went to Josh's grandparents house to visit with them.  David and Nicholya came over with their kids too and set off some small fireworks for the kids. At first my kids were scared but warmed up to them and slowly moved closer to the fireworks.  That night we went to Josh's uncles house to watch the city fireworks with a bunch of his relatives.  This is a tradition their entire family does, but this was the first year we've been able to go because Josh has always had to work on Independence day.  The fireworks didn't start till 11:15pm because it was so windy.  People were leaving and we were even starting to leave when they finally set them off.  Parker missed them because he had fallen asleep, but my night owl Brayden was very excited and verbal about them. After the fireworks were over we left straight for home, because Josh had to work the next day.  We got home about 1:30am.  The next day tho we went to my cousins house and set off some big fireworks with my family.  The boys were scared at first but as long as we held them, they were ok.  My brother, Brandon, and his family came up from New Mexico to visit for a week and to celebrate Zulay's, my niece, birthday with everyone. My sister, Brit, and family came down from  Boise as well.  So we had the whole gang here.  It was a blast and I loved it. We did so much stuff together and so much fun.  I didn't want it to end. Those are the best kind of memories I love. 

Josh- Josh's school work picked up and was busy with school all the time.  His English class was the hardest and helped him with it quit a bit. He got done with school at the end of the month finishing with all B's for this semester.  He is a trooper and is glad he is done.  Now we can start having family summer fun more.  He found out at the end of the month that there was a Bailiff Job position available and decided to apply.  This way he can get patrol certified, work 730am-530pm everyday,have all weekends and holiday's off, and will be able to go to night school.  He will get a tiny pay cut, but he can only do so much of his schooling online for his degree.  So this will allow him to continue with his school and have a set schedule too!  We cant have everything we want, there always has to be some type a sacrifice. 
Pregnancy and I-  At the beginning of the month my morning sickness started to kick in more and slowly to were I was sick all day long.  If I ate it made it worse and if I didn't eat it made it worse.  So I'm in a lose, lose situation. It suck because it made it impossible to walk my boys to the park everyday like I use to and I didn't do it all month. Some days  I would have my sister come and get the boys and take them out to my grandparents place to watch them, because I was so sick I could hardly move, which was like almost every other day it seems.  This way they could at least play outside. On the days I was feeling ok I would take the boys to the park, but drove them there because I knew I wouldn't make it walking them.  Other than that they didn't get to go outside, which made me sad and hard on me too.  They would want me to play with them and I couldn't, also them playing so much in the house made the house messier and I couldn't even get up to clean the house. I felt horrible all around.  Some days I was barely able to make them meals.  It was horrible when my family was down and I couldn't participate in some activities, but I enjoyed what ever I could get with my family.  Of course that meant that some of my siblings found out about the pregnancy, because I was so sick.  I was so happy when Josh got done with school so he could help me.  He has been so good about helping me once he was done with school.
The boys-  The boys are still the same amazing boys.  Brayden's potty training has become amazing.  Most of the month he has not had any pee accidents and even at night.  He tells us when he has to go potty every time were out about town now.  The trick with him was letting him go pee standing up.  Once he got the hang of it, it was like an instant thing for him.  He even goes to the bathroom without telling us when were at home. He opens the door, turns on the light, shuts the door, lifts up the seat, does his business, puts down the seat, flushes the toilet, opens the door, turns off the light, and closes the door all on his own without us having to tell him to do so now.  The only part we have to help him with, when he gets done, is washing his hands and its because he can't reach it all on his own.  We had to go to giving him chocolates to help him start potty training, but now he doesn't even ask for chocolate hardly anymore.  We started not giving him any unless he asked for one once he went potty, but we always cheer for him every time.  We do have to still work on him going poo tho in the potty.  I think the fact its so hard for him to poo in the first place makes it harder.  It very painful for him and I'm going to have to talk to the doc about it again with him, because nothing is really helping make it better for him.  I've started taking the boys to the Paul water park and they love it.  Before I started taking them there Parker wouldn't have anything to do with sprinklers or water toys like that.  Now he loves it and plays in them all the time.  Parker loves to catch the water in his mouth and drink it.  The boys loved having their cousins down for a week and staying with us. Parker and Zulay were always together.  In the mornings Zulay would grab her blanket, and they would go sit on the couch watching the Disney channel, while snuggling up together in Zulay's blanket. They were always giving each other hugs and kisses.  Brayden just loved having other kids around to play with him.  When ever someone ask me about my kids and how old they are, I always get a reaction when it comes to Parker. 
        I would say "Parker is not quit two yet."
        They would say " really he's not two?  Wow He's a big kid.  That's going to be your football player"
If they picked him up they always comment on how thick and solid he is.  He's not fat just husky!  Even the doctors and our chiropractor always says it too every time we see them and say how strong he is too lol.
Crockett Adventures- This month did not start out that great!  I had just checked on Parker in his room and right as I got to the living room I heard a big crash from back in his room! I ran back there and found Parker under his dresser.  The dresser had fallen on top of him.  I could only guess that he was climbing up the dresser.  He had a gash on his head and his right hand was blue and swollen!!  It
Parkers beat up face
took everything in me not to freak out, but I still couldn't help but cry a little.  I hurried and got him out.  The blood was running down into his eye, so I got a rag to help stop the bleeding.  He wouldn't let me do anything.  I could barely touch him enough to get the blood from getting into his eye.  I called Josh at work to let him know that my sister was going to come get me to take him to the hospital, but Josh left work right away and took us in and Desi stayed home with Brayden.  It was a nightmare trying to get Parker to let the doctor clean his head so they could see if he needed stitches.  They had to pretty much hog tie him down to clean it up.  Fortunately he didn't need stitches, it was a big cut but just not deep enough to need them.   They had us stay a while to see if his hand needed x-rays.  The fact he would use his hand every now and then they didn't think he needed any. That night Parker was waking up every three hours crying and saying "ouch", whenever he would roll on his hand. That next day I had Brayden go stay at grandmas overnight while I stayed home with Parker, because Parker would try to play around with Brayden and just keep hurting himself more. After about 5 days later we took him into the Chiropractor to make sure nothing needed adjusted.  The chiropractor checked everything and his neck was really bad.  He said "it was so bad he was lucky he didn't have a serious neck injury!"  He check his wrist out too, because the swelling still wasn't going down.  It was because his ligaments were swollen and were needing to heal, but the fact Parker would still use his wrist wasn't giving them time to heal.  He ended doing a laser therapy on his wrist to help it heal faster and we came back every couple of days for him to treat his wrist.  In the end it healed really quickly! I love our chiropractor, he knows so much and is so good!!  I was so grateful right then for my husband and his hard work in getting the job he has.  Without his job we wouldn't of had the amazing insurance we have, which covers most of the hospital bill and covers all chiropractor bills and not have to pay a penny out of our pocket!!  We were able to at least attend the fair one day as a family, but it was in the middle of the day and it was 100 degrees so we didn't stay very long! Josh ended up doing security at the fair when he wasn't at work, so that's why we only got one opportunity to go.  My sister's did take me to the fair one night and the boys to the fair another night!

Our little one at 12 weeks
The rest of the month seemed to go by a lot better!  Josh didn't have school all month, so we were able to have some family time!  It was so nice to get to spend some quality time with Josh and the boys loved it.  Once we were able to get our ultrasound, we also made our announcement to our family and friends, we were going to be expecting again in Feb.  We got to go to the fair with the boys, they love seeing all the animals.  It was super hot tho (100 degrees that day), so we didn't stay for long. Josh actually did security at the fair during the evenings/ nights. We also were able to have Josh's parents stay with us for two days, which was awesome!  They boys loved it so much that they cried when they left.  We went to the water park often for the boys to play.

Parker got into my mascara!!
The boys playing at the water park

Brayden at Parker's Birthday party
The Birthday Boy
The boys-  Parker turned two this month, and boy is he getting big so fast!  We celebrated his birthday at the water park with family and friends, since he loves that place.  Unfortunately it was rainy, but it didn't stop us.  They had pavilions there that we were able to use and stay out of the rain, until the very end when we were finishing up and the wind picked up.  The boys haven't really changed much.  Their still a handful in their own way.   Parker loves climbing and getting into things, while Brayden is bossy and annoys his brother from time to time.  They both like to help mommy from time to time, mainly with the dishes and laundry.

Baby and me-  Well this month seemed a little better then the last month. I was able to get up and take care of the boys some what properly, with laying down all the time. Josh not having school this month helped a lot. One day I felt so good I was able to walk the boys to the park, but it didn't last long. by time we got home I was feeling horrible again.  I was grateful for the fact at least I could take care of them some what.  I still wasn't able to eat much without getting sick.