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Monday, June 3, 2013

The start of a new adventure, Spring 2013

March 2013-May 2013
    This spring has been very eventful for our family.  In March we were able to go down for Practor's birthday party and spend some fun time with family in Pocatello. I missed one of my best friends baby shower for her first baby due to a blizzard we were still getting in March (go figure). My friend had her little girl on the 18th, Sadie. I was luck enough to be able to be at the hospital when my sister Allison had her first baby!! I didn't think I was going to be able to be there since she went into labor the evening before, but since she still had her baby yet that next morning.  Thanks to my sister Desi for watching my boys, I was able to drive down to Pocatello that morning and witnessed her little miracle that afternoon on the 25th .  So I received a new little nephew Xavier!  We also able to finally go meet little Sadie too!  That was a blessed month of new babies coming into our lives!  Josh's schooling was getting harder, especially in Math and English, and wasn't doing so good at the time.  So I stepped in and became his tutor.  Everything started to become stressful for all of us.  Besides, me having to take care of the boys and house, I now had to go over Josh's homework before hand so I could explain it to him/ teach him.  So It was like I was a single parent going to school full time as well.  It was hard, but I was glad to help my husband achieve his dream.  I was very glad that I had gone to college for a couple of years before hand, so I could help him.  I was really surprised I still remembered how to do all the math too.  We got through it together and in the end we were stronger. For Josh's spring break we were able to have a couples get away for a weekend.  My sister's watched our boys while we went and some time alone.  We haven't done anything like that since we first had Brayden.  I was always to worried to leave my boy(s).  We needed this time alone together and it was a lot of fun.  Josh got to go meet his new nephew for the first time and we surprised his parents too. We decided to get a liter of pop, box of popcorn, candy, a movie and pizza from pizza hut, then we left it on their front door steps, knocked and ran away just like little kids lol!  We spent St. Patrick's day and Easter with my family and were able to have my sisters, nieces, and nephews down to visit both holidays.  I love family time its so fun and Josh was lucky enough not to have to work either. Josh was able to take Brayden fishing for the first time too and Brayden loved it.  After that he asked to go fishing everyday.
    April was just as busy it seemed right at first.  We celebrated Brayden's birthday with all my family and some good friends of ours.  Brayden got to go fishing for his birthday too and got his own fishing pole for his birthday!  Later that week (on the weekend) we went to Pocatello and celebrated Brayden's birthday with all of Josh's family and friends at Kiwi Loco (thanks to Chelsie and Doug for the idea and coupons).  Right after that weekend we headed to Idaho Falls were we spent another week in a hotel, while Josh went to some training there.  The boys had never traveled that much before and for that long.  When we first arrived at the hotel Brayden said "no, go home". It made my heart ache, but after he found out there was a swimming pool he was all good.  Parker did not like swimming at all. You would get close to the pool and he would start crying.  I decided that I was going to take him in anyways and show him how its not scary, since Josh was at training all day I had to do it all by myself.  I was a little scared I wouldn't be able to handle both boys while swimming, but I did it.  It worked out great too.  Parker even started liking to swim and would play around with Brayden in the pool.  Both boys liked to swim so much that is all they wanted to do once they woke up in the morning.  I also had a little experience while we were there.  Josh would ride with a co-worker to training leaving me with the truck in case I needed it. Well I decided to go to the mall with the boys and pushed them around in the stroller.  The mall had a little play area for the kids and so I let the boys go there to play.  Brayden met a new friend too.  The little boy wanted Brayden to come to his house and play.  It was so nice and cute seeing Brayden playing with other kids.  There is no kids in our area his age so he hardly gets the chance to play with other kids his age.  Once they got done playing we started to head back out to the truck to go get some lunch.  There was hardly anyone at the mall too.  As I was pushing the boys one of the big back tires of the stroller popped really loud and it was so loud it hurt my ears.  There was no one around/ near us at all so I didn't think anything of it.  Next thing I know there were cops coming in with guns drawn and started searching the place.  I was wondering what was going on.  As I walked by a couple of cops they were talking about it and how they said there was a loud bang like a bomb or gun shot.  I was so embarrassed.  I couldn't believe they were here because of my tire blow.  I turned to them and said I think it could of been my tire.  They looked at it and back at me and said "no I don't think so because this was really loud."  Well I wasn't going to stay around to be questioned or anything so I headed out and once I got outside there were more cop cars showing up!!  That's an experience I'll never forget.  Josh thought it was so funny he wanted to watch the news just in case it said something about it on there, thank heavens it didn't!!!  It was a nice family get away (sorta).  Josh's worked paid for the hotel and all the meals.  It was nice to have dinner every night with Josh's co-worker, Jenifer Lee, getting to know her.  I also got to spend some time with one of my other best friends Tristian.  
    May finally came around and that meant Josh was almost done with his spring semester of school.  He did really good.  He got one A and three B's. I was so proud of both our hard work on getting him through this semester.  Well we finally got some really good news. We would be able to move out into our own apartment.  We've been waiting and wanting this for so long, but every time we tried something happened and we weren't able to.  I think Heavenly Father knew we were meant to live in this apartment and that's why every other time fell through.  We were finally able to move into our new home on May 17th and about a week later had everything put away.  I didn't realize how much stuff we had till now.  I was afraid the boys would not handle the move very well, but they did all right.  The first night Brayden said he wanted to go home and we had to explain to him that this was our new home. He didn't like it and told us no, but after that first night he was good.  I think both boys are enjoying having a room to themselves.  They both have grown up since this move. Parker is actually going to bed on his own and without a bottle.  Brayden goes to his room whenever he's tired and goes to bed on his own.  They seem so much mature now.  Brayden will stay in his room and play most of the time.  They are good about playing together, but just like most kids they will fight over a toy every now and then.  We are still having problems with potty training Brayden.  He just wont go to the bathroom, even when we ask him he tells us no.  I don't wan to force it on him, because I was told that would make it worse.  Parker has been wanting to sit on the potty every now and then, so I let him. It seems every time Parker wants to sit on the potty then Brayden will too.  So maybe if I get Parker potty trained so will Brayden.  We went to our new ward.  Parker and Brayden seem so much bigger than the other kids their age lol, especially Parker.  I didn't know how the boys would be going to nursery without mommy.  I've been a nursery leader ever since they were born. So I've always been with them.  They did awesome.  Parker didn't even notice or cared I left, but Brayden was a little shy and kept hold of me for a little bit until they got him doing stuff.  Josh and I have been able to have more time together and time as a family since he's out of school for the rest of the month. We've also been able to spend sometime with our friends Candi and David Wells, love them. The boys and I have started a new routine too.  We get up in the morning eat, get ready for the day, and clean the house before 11am.  Then I get them in their stroller and I walk them to the park which is a half mile away.  The Heyburn city park has a program were they feed all the kids healthy lunches and its free for the kids.  Now my kids can have time outside and play with other kids while I get my exercise and get some tanning done lol.  We're loving this new adventure of ours and hoping for the best in the future.