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Sunday, September 2, 2012

August Rush!!

CROCKETT'S ADVENTURES- Starting at the beginning of the month, we drove to Boise to see My sister Brittney and her kids, Tyler, Trelynn, and Andrew.  While we were there we also go to visit cousins, Maria, Dan, Penny, Laura (and her baby boy), Juanita (and her kids), Aliesha (and her kids), Aunt Elva and my friend Sueanna with her hubby.  It was fun, we got to go to Chuckarama, play games, and go out on a picnic.  We got to go over to cousins Maria, Dan and Penny for dinner one day and play too.  We just wish we had more time to do more thing with everyone.  We went to Burley's fair (its a must thing), ate delicious food and looked at all the animals.  We watched the parade and it was Josh's first parade in Burley, because he's always had to work. This month we celebrated Parker's first Birthday!  I could not think of a theme to do, because he likes everything and there is nothing he likes the most!  Brayden loved Mickey Mouse so his was easy to choose!  I ended up doing a teddy bear theme!  We had to blow our own balloons up because the whole town was out of helium.  We also had a Party for him down in Pocatello.  The whole town of Pocatello was out of helium too, we came to find out its a nation shortage of helium!  We all got to meet the new addition to the Crockett family, Remington.   We also found out that Aunt Allison is Pregnant with her first baby, so EXCITING!  We also went and saw a Pocatello high school football game at the ISU dome. 


ADVENTURES- In Boise, Brayden got to play with his cousins.  He loved hanging out with Tyler.  He got to play with cousin Penny and he loved it.  He didn't want to leave. We had to drag him out lol!  It was so funny watching them play together, they got along great!  He loved the Burley parade, but 3/4 of the way through it got bored.  At the fair he loved seeing all the animals.  His favorite was the sheep.  It was so funny whenever he wanted an animal to come to him.  He would squat, make a clicking noise and clap his hands lol!  He got to feed the goats too!  Brayden had to go to a dermatologist because he was has these patches of rashes on his face and legs.  He's had them all summer and we've tried everything to get them to go away.  He has to put on a steroid cream and special moisturizer.  His skin "barrier", that protects our skin from thing in the atmosphere and such, and is deteriorating.  this is suppose to help restore it.  At Parker's birthday party in Pocatello, Brayden got to play with his cousins Andrew and Jackson.  He had a lot of fun.  He doesn't get to play with kids is own age hardly because there is none his age around where we live in the country area.

HABITS-  He has started to be a very over seeing big brother.  Whenever Parker gets into the bathroom. Brayden will slowly get Parker out of the room, tell him don't, and shut the door!  When Parker gets into the food cupboards.  Brayden will pull him out enough to shut the cupboard doors and say "don't".  Then once Parker starts to leave Brayden will pick up everything on the floor and put it back in the cupboards.  Lets just say Parker doesn't like it one bit lol!  It hard sometimes, because Brayden sees mommy pulling Parker away from getting into things and does the same thing, but Brayden doesn't understand how to pull Parker away without pulling him down.  Brayden still takes 2-3 hour naps and is good about going to bed.  We've always had a hard time getting him to bed, because he would just throw fits and cry, even once he was in bed.  He usually cried himself to sleep, unless he was super tired then he would go to bed on his own.  He's really growing up fast.  He chases the dogs around on his bike, but we're trying to get him to stop.  I don't know why he thinks its funny.  He likes to go around spraying everything with the spray bottle of water, so it looks like we all have peed our pants.  He likes spraying us all in the butt!  When I can't get him to eat all I have to say is " I'm going to feed it to Parker" and he comes running over saying "don't" and eats!  He's getting better at sharing but still have some improvements and better with playing with Parker.  When  he's in trouble and we tell him to go to the corner, sometimes he will actually go there and stand all by himself!  Other then that he hardly throws any fits when in the corner and peacefully does his time unlike in the past!  He likes running around just his diaper.  He likes to act like a dog.  He will drink out of the bowl on the floor when the dogs do.  He crawls along the side of them.  When they lick things so does he and worse of them all, when they sniff each others butt so does he!  I don't know what to do with this kid.  He can be so weird.  In nursery his the clown of the bunch.  The other teachers just laugh at him all the time because he is very dramatic!

ACHIEVEMENTS-  He can sing and act out dances at the same time.  He actually knows the words to the songs too!  He counts using his figures up to three. He's been able to read a coupe of words and know what they say and mean like, smiling, hippopotamus, eyes, hi, kick, shoulders, and head.  He knows the color green now.  He knows the letters A-J, K, O, P, T, and U. He recognizes the numbers 2, 3, 5 and 8.  He can almost count to 10 but not yet. He peed in the potty for the first time, but only once.  He's getting to know what pee pee and pooh exactly is but doesn't care about going in the potty.  He is getting a lot better at saying words more clear.  He says "please" now, before when we tell him to say please he would get all mad, but now he is really good at saying it!  I think he's doing pretty good for being less then a month from being 2 1/2 years old!

GROWTH-  He weights 28lbs and is 35 1/4 in tall. Still has the same beach boy tan, hair and eyes!  He still has that rash thing on his face but not as much.  It now seems to come and go.  As long as I keep the medicine on it stays away.

LIKES-  He still likes everything like before.  He's starting to like eating hamburgers now as long as it has cheese lol.  He loves home made re fried beans with tortilla.  He loves tortillas! He's starting to be a less pickier eater.  He still has his moments when he doesn't feel like eating. When he actually watches TV he mainly will just watch learning shows that teach letters and reading words!

DISLIKES- He's starting to not like watching TV as much.  He would rather read than anything. He doesn't like all the flies.  He always say "get away"!  He doesn't like eating the peeling on grapes. He always spits the peeling out. 


ADVENTURES-  He went to the fair and got to see lots of animals. When we got to the pigs, one pig was sticking his head out and letting them pet him.  Then he snorted and it scare Parker to death and he wouldn't go near it again.  After that he wouldn't pet any more animals until we got to the sheep! He actually fed one sheep.  This month Parker turned the BIG 1 year old!  He didn't  blow out his candle just looked at us like "uh what do you want me to do now", but his big brother was there to help him out.  He did great at eating his cake.  He didn't want to use his hands.  He picked at it a little with his fingers and then went at it with his mouth only!  His cake was red and when he got done he looked like a clown! He got two birthday parties one in Burley and one in Pocatello.  He loved hanging out with his cousin Practor, who is 6 months old, and tried to play with him.  He would even bring toys over to Practor to play.  When he saw his new cousin Remington, he just wanted to play with his feet non stop.  He liked the little babies.  He also tried to run around with the other kids and Brayden.
HABITS- He is getting better at not throwing fits and hitting Brayden.  He's able to keep up with Brayden more and play along better!  He gets out of the tub by himself when he's done taking a bath, which isn't very long.  He is starting to like reading more with Brayden.  He doesn't get into the cupboards as much, probably thanks to Brayden lol!   He is so funny and likes to cuddle a lot especially with pillows and teddy bears.  He loves to give hugs.  When he starts kissing he doesn't stop for a while lol.  He is wanting to be outside all the time.  He likes chasing the dogs around the house.  He loves Aunt Mickela and Daddy to hold him all the time.  When you try to put him down, he always lifts up his legs so you cant.  He likes just being involved in every ones business.  He still takes a bottle to sleep and I'm not sure when we'll get him to break the habit.  He just doesn't sleep through the night without one.  He likes to copy brother.  When Brayden sits on the potty and gets done, then Parker wants a turn too lol.  In the mornings He always wakes up before Brayden.  He'll get down, go over to Braydens bed, climb up in it, and try to wake big brother up.  Then he climbs down and waits for Brayden to follow him out to the toys.  Brayden being a great big brother will zombie like follow him out there.  Sometimes in the morning both boys will lay in bed talking and laughing at each other.

ACHIEVEMENTS-  He is starting to try and say words like that, cat, baba, and drink.  He points a lot at things.  He does patty cake, but hasn't gotten down the rolling part.  He is starting to like reading more with Brayden.  He can growl and make cow noises.  He will hold up his arms and growl like a tough guy.  He knows where his eyes and nose are at.  He waves hi and bye, claps along with songs, dances a lot more, and is starting to color.

GROWTH- He is 30 1/2 in tall and weights 19 lbs.  He still doesn't weigh much but he'll get there eventually. He has 6 teeth now.  The four front tops teeth and the two front top teeth, but I can see that he's starting to get some more in sometime soon.  He still has his strawberry blond hair and his eyes have gotten more green now!

LIKES-   He likes all stuffed animals, cars/ trucks, and books.  He likes to be kept busy. He's starting to like the cold more than heat.  He likes to run around in his diaper or naked

DISLIKES- He doesn't liked to be told no, go figure lol.  He doesn't like to stay in one spot for too long. He doesn't care to much for cheesy foods anymore, which is weird for a kid.  He doesn't like getting dressed or his diaper on.  He hates being poopy and once he does poo he comes directly to some one to change him.