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family pic

Thursday, July 26, 2012


Parker Gene Crockett
August 23, 2011; 12:43 am
7lbs 9oz and 20 1/2 in

     My due date was for Aug 27th! We went to my OB app on August 22, 2011 at 10am! They checked all my vitals and my blood pressure was way high, so the doc said he wasn't waiting any longer! He told me to go straight to the hospital and they were going to start me into labor!! I really didn't want to do it this way because having it naturally happen, like it did with Brayden, went so smoothly labor wise! Well they started me at 11am and by 1pm I was dilated to a 4! Then we just waited a bit longer and by 6pm I was to a 7! Then it turned for the worse, I stopped dilating!! At 11:30 pm the doc said "we could wait it out but I would rather go a head and do a c-section instead of waiting till the baby was is in stress and make things a lot worse"! So I said "ok" and headed in for a c-section! As much as I didn't want a c-section, I'm glad I listen to the doc because the cord was wrapped around my little guys neck really bad.  That is why I would not dilate any further because he couldn't come any further down the birth canal!  His dad was the only one that was in the room when he was born, of course, because we had a c-section.  His grandma's Debbie and Julie, aunts Desi, Keshia, Britt, Allison, and Chelsie were all out in the waiting room.   The whole time I was having the c-section, Josh just looked at me and it took him a lot not to cry.  He doesn't like seeing me in positions like that.  Once they pulled Parker out I heard him crying and the first thing I noticed, when they showed me him, was that he was purple!  Josh went straight away with the baby and nurses to get Parker all taken care of!  He was purple because his temp was too low, but once they got him all warmed up he was bright red!  He was so red and dark the hospital put his race as Hispanic instead of white, even tho I put down white lol!

    Parker is lucky enough to have one loving great great grandmother Klemish, six loving great grandparents ( grandpa Bill & grandma Jennie Burrell, grandpa Jack & grandma Gladys Mangum, grandpa Florentino and grandma Cruz Aguilar), and four wonderful grandparents( grandpa Gene and grandma Julie Crockett, grandma Deborah Mangum, and grandpa John Aguilar) when he was born.  He had one big brother Brayden. He also had eight wonderful aunts (Brittney, Desi, Keshia, Mickela, Jenny, Allison, Chelsie, and Nicholya) and four awesome uncles (Brandon, Matt, Doug and David) also with a god father Aaron Larson. He also had seven cousins at the time (Jenna, Tyler, Trelynn, Andrew, Mariana, Zulay and Jackson).

   Parker also had problems with his bilirubin and it was worse then Brayden had it.  He took a very long time to get rid of his jaundice.  It seemed to keep going up instead of down even with using the bili blanket.  It finally stopped climbing right before they were going to put him in the hospital at 3 weeks old.  The doctor said the fact that it stopped climbing meant that it will eventually go away now.  He was a month old before it was gone.  Parker was very opposite baby compared to his older brother Brayden.  I slept sitting up on the couch , because it was painful to sleep in my bed after having a c-section, for a month and a half.  Parker slept out on the couch with me, so I didn't have to wake my husband up to get the baby every time, since he was taking care of Brayden.  Parker slept on my chest every night.  Parker was one of those babies everyone warns you about lol.  He woke up every 2 hours on the dot crying day or night.  It was nice that he would slept for 2 hours at a time.  He had a very loud cry too.  He was definitely one of the babies that just pooped, slept, ate and cried, and nothing else lol.  I was the only one that could hold him to stop him from crying.  He had to be held quit a bit.  He wasn't a baby I could lay in the play pin.  After about 10 min of being in the play pin or swing he would just start crying.  I even tried just letting him cry, but he would never stop.  The only time he would stop crying was when he was sleeping and he didn't sleep very long.  The only other thing that seemed to be able to get him to sleep, besides me, was the swing.  Ever now and then he would fall asleep crying in the swing.  Some nights he wouldn't stop crying or go back to sleep.  So I would put him in the swing and let him cry.  After about 15 minutes he would eventually go to sleep, but it didn't work all the time.  Once I would get him asleep in the swing I couldn't take him out, because then he would wake up  and it would start all over again.  So some nights he slept in the swing. 

   Parker was a little oinker eating all the time and I only nursed him too.  I didn't have feeding problems with him at all.  My milk came in really good and had plenty. When Parker was a month old he was 8lbs, 13oz and 21 1/2 in.  He received his baby blessing on October 9th, 2011 through the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  He father blessed him and yet again the same lady in our ward wrote down his baby blessing for us.   Parker also did not like taking baths.  Every time we bathed him, he would scream none stop.  He also had his baby pictures taken by cousin Tiffany Harris.   Parker always had to stay really warm else he would be cranky.  We had to keep our room super warm for him and we would be sweating even without blankets.  He did not do so well with the cold or even just warm!  He had his first Halloween were he was a cute little duck!  He did really good and slept most of the time!  We also noticed that every time he ate he would spit so much up.  We came to find that he had acid reflex and took medication for it.  The doctor said he should grow out of it by time he's one.  We had him sleep at a slant at night since he mainly only had the problem when he laid down flat. He also got to meet his grandpa and grandma Burrell for the first time!

   When he was two months old he was 11 lbs, 12 oz and 22 in.  He was starting to be awake more too.  He would try to turn on his sides too.  He had his first Thanksgiving with the Crocketts, which was his first time away from home.  He also got sick with bronchitis for the first time. He starting talking and laughing a lot.   He has the funnest laugh.  He also came to love taking baths and loved his little tub!  He also would still not sleep in his bed for every long and than he would only sleep in mommy and daddy's bed.  I also noticed that if I ate anything with nuts in it, it would cause him to have a big tummy ache.  We thought he might be allergic to nuts since I was when I was pregnant with him.   The doctor said we couldn't find out if he was at this young of age and for me just to keep them away just in case.

At three months old He had his first Christmas and New Years.   He was able to turn over on his belly but not back on his back.  He also received a new grandma, Flo.  Parker would not take a bottle.  Mommy had surgery and had her gallbladder removed, so I was unable to nurse him for a full 24 hours.  It was so hard because he was hungry.  After buy so many different kind of bottles we finally found a nipple he would drink from.  He also had to have formula because I had to throw away my milk.  Parker having to drink formula and out of a bottle was hard on him, but we survived!  He met is Aunt Susie, uncle Darin, and cousins Allan and Victor for the first time!

   At four months old Parker was 13 lbs, 7oz and 24 1/2 in.  He was starting to be able to roll all the way over and was starting to sit himself up.  He was now more alert and understood things more.  When daddy would come home he would whine and whine until daddy picked him up.  He was starting to like daddy more than mommy lol, but before it was always mommy!   He started to notice toys and Brayden too.   They would start laughing at each other all the time.  The thing tho is he never wanted to stand on his legs.  Every time we tried standing him up he would start crying and bend his legs. So I took him to the doctor to see if anything was wrong with his legs or hips.  He said nothing was broken or such.  Then I decided to take him to the chiropractor.  The chiropractor said that his legs and hips were to stiff for a baby and that he could treat him for it.  We took him in every week to be worked on.  After about a month he was a lot better and didn't have the standing problem any more. He also got to meet his new cousin Arturo Juarez.

   At five months old he was able to hold himself in a sitting position.  He still wasn't sleeping through the night.  He would wake up still wanting to eat twice every night and still had to sleep with mommy.  He would always give you big bear hugs when you picked him up, almost like he was never going to let you go!  He was starting to roll all over the floor, so that meant putting up the stair gates!  He still liked eating everything, but now he was wanting to eat what we ate.  He had his first Superbowl party and he loved watching football!  He also went to Aunt Chelsie and Practors baby shower and it was his first time surrounded by so many people!  He did not like it lol, just like his dad and grandpa, doesn't like big groups!  He now was noticing his feet and toys!  He stared grabbing everything in front of him and playing with his feet a lot!

    At six months old Parker was 16 lbs, 12 oz and 27 in.  He started trying to crawl by pushing with his legs, it looked really funny watching him do it!  He also like playing peek-a-boo with brayden!  They would laugh so hard at each other when playing peek-a-boo!  Parker started playing around with Brayden.  Now that Parker would play around, Brayden sometimes would get a little too rough wrestling on the floor.  Parker thought it was fun and funny for the most part.  He got pneumonia and an ear infection for the first time and at the same time!  It was horrible, I've never had to take care of a baby that sick before.  Brayden has never gotten that sick, so it was rough!  Parker also received a new cousin, Practor Luker, and got to meet him for the first time.  He just kept trying to grab Practors hand!  He also got to meet his other cousin for the first time, Zulay (who is a month older then him), along with uncle Brandon and aunt Jenny!  He loved his cousins, aunts and uncles very much!  He started drinking out of a sippy cup for the first time and would try to take Brayden's from him when he got the chance.  He started eat baby food for the first time and loved everything except anything with carrots in it! Brayden also tried feeding Parker whenever he could get the chance.

   At seven months Parker was now doing the army crawl.  He didn't seem interested in getting up on his hands and knees at the time.  He was content just as long as he could get around on the floor.  He had his first Easter and celebrated Brayden's birthday for the first time too!  He didn't get into it much since he wasn't able to get around perfectly yet, but he did try to eat the egg dye.  He got his
 first sunburn too.  It was such a nice weekend we played outside for an hour and within that hour in 50-60 degree weather he got burnt a little on top of his head.  Parker was no long that dark baby in the hospital!  He was even whiter then his daddy lol!  His hair is strawberry blond, so thin ,and fine that's where he sunburned a little, on the top of his head.  To go along with that hair he had blue/gray eyes with long eyelashes!  Brayden thought that is was now time to test things out on Parker.  Brayden would spray his juice box on Parker and used him as a garbage disposal for left over foods too!

   At eight months he started fighting back with his brother whenever Brayden tried to take toys away.  Sometime Parker would even try to take away Brayden toys!  All of a sudden my baby become a very shy baby and wouldn't go to anyone he didn't know or see very often.  If they tried to hold him, he would start crying his head off.  I don't know what brought this on, maybe because we really didn't go anywhere or see anyone for a while.  He started a habit, instead of sucking on his thumb, he started sucking on his big toe! He also started getting up on his hands and knees trying to crawl.  I guess him wanting to follow brother everywhere got him wanting to move faster.  He would kneel next to brother's bikes wanting on them, so Brayden would take him on a ride.  They are so good with each other.  He also had his aunt Desi come stay with us.  I don't know who loved that more the babies or mommy lol!

At nine months Parker was now crawling full out on his hands and knees.  He started pulling himself up and walking along things too. He would only woke up once in the middle of the nigh, but still had to sleep with mom the second half.  He started wanting to eat more grown up food and less baby food.  He had his first day with mommy and daddy gone for the whole day too.  He loved going outside to play and would try to escape out the door every chance he got.  He could now crawl up the stairs all by himself.  It was all of a sudden too. He was climbing up everything now. He loved crawling up in brothers bed to play in it. Now mommy had more to worry about!  He started taking a bottle too for the first time. So at night I would just give him a bottle instead of nursing., which was nice for mama lol.

At 10 months Parker was 17 lbs, 13oz and 30 in tall and his head circumference of 16in.  He had his first Independence day and it didn't go so well.  He loved the parade and train ride, but when it came to the fireworks not so much.  They scared him so bad.  As long as he couldn't hear them he loved it.  He like watching but the noise was too much.   He went swimming for the first time too and didn't like it so much either.  When we got into the water he screamed and once he got done crying he went straight to sleep.  He got to stay in a hotel for the first time too and thought it was cool.  He also went swimming then too.  After a couple of times in the pool he started to like swimming and splashed around.  I think he just needed to feel safe and once I showed him everything was ok he was good to go.  He especially like the hot tub!  He still wont go to my dad, every time he starts crying.  Sometime people just have to talk to him for him to start crying.  There was only two people so far, that he hadn't seen for a while, that he didn't hesitate for a minute with at first.  That was his Aunt Allison and Grandpa Burrell!  The second he saw them he wanted them to pick him up.  He is starting to love playing with other kids now too.  For the first time ever, Parker slept through the whole night.  He doesn't do it every night but half the time he does and if he doesn't I just pick him up, lay him next to me and he goes right back to sleep! Parker is now walking full out, of course he still falls down but he just walks everywhere.  He had stopped eating baby food all together.  No matter how hard I tried to feed any type/kind of baby food, he would spit it right back out and never eat it no matter how hungry he was.   He also had his first three teeth come in, they were his two top eye teeth and his bottom front tooth.  He had the eye teeth come in first and he looked like a vampire lol!